Game of Thrones was nothing less than a phenomenon in itself that kept its fans entertained for years on end. Given its massive popularity, it comes as no surprise that the show saw some great cameos. Game of Thrones was especially recognised for having some really special guest cameos. Musicians like Coldplay and Bastille were only a few of the recognizable names who made it to the Game of Thrones universe. One of the most talked-about cameos though was Ed Sheeran in Game of Thrones. This was because he was not a blink and miss cameo but had a speaking part and also sang a song.

Ed Sheeran as Lannister soldier

Back in 2017, Ed Sheeran himself posted a picture on his Instagram to commemorate the time he was on the show. He shared a picture where he can be seen wearing the Lannister colours and the picture seems to have been clicked from another screen. It has a hazy, lined feel to it which makes it seem as though the singer clicked the picture when he was watching himself on screen. The picture focuses on the face of the singer and he is looking back, turned halfway around, with a slight smile on his face. He captioned the picture by saying, “Throwback to the time I was a Lannister”. The singer appeared in the season 7 premiere episode titled Dragonstone.

Seeing Ed Sheeran as Lannister who had a speaking role, people asked why he was given such prominence. These questions especially popped up because people did not like Ed Sheeran’s role in the series a lot. They said that he had not done a good job on the show and that the scene felt out of place in the plot. It was then the showrunners had revealed that the inclusion of Ed Sheeran in Game of Thrones was done as a way to surprise Maisie Williams who played Arya Stark on the show. She was a huge fan of Ed Sheeran so the showrunners had been trying to get Sheeran on the show for a long time. When they finally got him, they planned a surprise for Maisie Williams who would share screen-space with the singer.


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