

  1. I think the scene with Jorah and Baristan telling Danny about Rhaegar and that he died was only a piece on its own and doesn't prove any similarities. Jorah only said and spoke of him that way because he was trying to sow the seeds of distrust between Danny and Selmy. Selmy was Rhaegars guard and couldn't/didn't save him at the Trident, I think Jorah was saying it to be like "this guy let your brother die."

  2. Rhaegar may be jon's real father… in whole series the way jon says '' my father used to say….'' he always talk about ned stark , thinks like him, works like him , and wants to be like him …nobody can replace his place in jon 's life

  3. Ned: the way he was protective over Dani, not approving of any assasination attempts. The way he did not want to talk about Jon's mother with Robert. He would also look away when Robert talked about what happened to Lyanna- because he knew it wasn't true.

  4. stopped watching after the first three scene, this makes no sense. Looks like you are really trying hard to find those hints*. But the pup part, he was implying that he's a bastard and thus doesn't carry the name of stark. The scene where benjin says, * you don't know what you're giving up meaning all vows where they will not have any woman. child etc.. You really are pushing it lol. I do not see anything on a pillar either saying R + L = J, just your editing.

  5. Actually in the scene who Jon make his first entrance in Dragonstone ..the dragon flying toward his head it is Viserion[with the silver scales]not Drogon…That could foreshadows that he somehow will tame NK dragon and will make his own mount after NK dies,Daenerys will still have Drogon and their possible son Rhaegal somehow..Also in the scene with Dannys visions on the HOU…Jon wasnt on the Wall at time..he was beyond the Wall captive by the Wildings ..That for the mention..

  6. The suggestions in this video are absurd; Littlefinger did not know the truth about Jon's heritage, do you not think that the world's most ambitious politician might not attempt to use that information to his advantage in his climb to power? Particularly given that he worked for Robert Baratheon for over a decade?

    Benjen may have known, but this is unlikely given that he was only a young teenager when Jon was born and Ned would not trust him with the information. The fact is Ned made the choice to tell nobody, not even his wife, in order to keep his promise. The only people who knew were him and Howland Reed, Howland Reed was the single most loyal person to the Starks (particularly Lyanna) and would never betray them.

    Stannis did not know the truth about Jon, he simply observed that Ned was a very honourable person and that he questioned gossip about Jon's mother, (such as Ned went whoring).

    Melisandre does not know, but does recognise Jon's importance in the war against the Others. The book makes it clear that when she arrives at the wall she begins to see him constantly in her visions.

    Oberyn had absolutely no idea about Jon's existence, but knowing Rhaegar better than most lords, (and not caring about Robert Baratheon's version of events), he will have realised that Rhaegar was no rapist.

    The Sam scene does not show that "everybody knew about Jon except Jon himself". It was a note written by a Septon about Rhaegar's marriage many months before Jon was born. Nobody knew that Lyanna was (or would become) pregnant.


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