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Do you think Mance is Rhaegar?
★ Playlist with all my theories ★

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  1. But if Mance was fire proof … and his crying out was just to play mind games with the nights watch… then jon killed his father like an idiot.. you don't know what's best… you know nothing jon snow

  2. This is a cool theory. Explains why he gave Jon a chance, how him and Jon became like father and son so quickly, why the wildings formed an army to travel south…maybe Mance aka Rhaegar was so upset that his family, wife, and he thought child was killed that after he was healed he decided hiding was no longer an option…and if she did use a magic to disquise him no one would recognise him. That is how he is able to go south and check up on Jon after he learns Ned returned with a child and is alive. It would have been too dangerous for Jon if he had revealed himself to Ned or anyone else then. The only thing i dont like is if this is true why didnt he turn back to a white haired man when he diedor was dying on that stake. I dont think its true but i love the idea that it could be

  3. I think the nights king is rhaegar. he has deep indigo eyes. I'm thinking that rhaegar got away or tricked Robert and when he came back hesaw lianna dead from child birth and something happend from there. maybe chose to be turned to try and bring her back from death or something.

  4. Ah stupid analysis.. how can you said a wildling was prince rhaegar. Prince has been died. Killed by robert baratheon after marry lyanna . Should i tell the truth . Take a look what i said to Sansa in previous episode

  5. So Mance in your theory is rhagaer, so "rhagaer" knew about jon, sees him face to face and doesn't tell him anything about being who he is? Everyone Jon gets to know has these moments without fail when they are with him long enough (and Mance was). It's a dumb theory, and honestly pointless if he is already dead.

  6. I don't recall Mance having indigo eyes. Do the wildlings have contacts that change eye color or did they never actually say what color his eyes were in the book? I thought that they were described as blue in the books, but it's been a year or so since I've read them, so I may be wrong.


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