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Outro Song: Game of Thrones Daenerys Theme (Progressive House Remix) by Christian Q & Shokstix

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  1. We re-uploaded this same video due to misunderstanding with creator of one GoT fan art photo..

    Visual change happened, audio has stayed the same.

    Thank you guys for your nice comments and all support so far <3

  2. UMMMMm nooo…. no matter how much you love that guy, he cant play Rhaegar. being a musician does NOT qualify you t play rhaegar, music can be acted and apply into the show you dont have to be a real life musician

  3. Rhaegar is Azor Ahai, and Jon and Dany (and possibly third and unknown character) represent the sword Lightbringer, as well as two of the three heads of the dragon.
    An attempt to build one major theory, from several other theories:

    "I didn't want it. I didn't ask for it.." – Jon
    Jon only accepted his position as King in the North out of necessity, to win the war against the army of the undead. Also he has had very bad experience trying to rule. With Rhaegar and Lyanna almost confirmed as his parents, that would make him the third head of the dragon in this theory. Please read on…

    Of course this is only one possible scenario, and would require the death of Daenerys and Jon not taking the Targaryen name. Or at least Daenerys giving up her claim of to the Iron Throne. A possible way that could go down, is Daenerys accepting her faith only to unite the southern part of Westeros (by conquering them lol) to help win the war against the Other.

    "You are not a ruler. You are a conqueror" – Daheris
    And while she has had great success at conquering Free Cities, she haven't been nearly as successful ruling them. Some reverting back to their old ways, and the latest Mereen, only starting showing progress after she got help from Tyrion, and to some degree Varys).

    An argument for this could be to fulfil the prohoecies/visions of Rhaegar, and the dragon needing three heads (Rhaegar stating "there has to be one more" before fathering Jon. This will require one more, and will probably be older than Dany and Jon, as Jon was supposedly the last one).
    Didn't the prophecy of Azor Ahai state, that this mystery prince made Lightbringer "killing" three wives or something like that? Considering that Lyanna died during childbirth, and Ellia Martell got so weakened and sick that she wouldn't be able to give anymore children birth? If so, perhaps Rhaegar fathered another child during his youth, before his marriage to Ellia, who possibly ended up dying.
    These three children would both represent the three heads of the dragons, as well as Lightbringer – killing three women in the process of making the sword. This interpretation would make Rhaegar Azor Ahai as well.

    Of course the later sections/theories are increasingly more far-fetched 🤗
    They serve more as an example to attempt, to try and link various theories into a single narrative. Something I believe we should dedicate more time to, considering all the new theories becoming increasingly crazy. The ability to connect several theories in different possible narratives, would make them more credible in my belief.

  4. I am absolutely exited! Rhaegar and Lyanna's tale is one I have been itching to see in the show since I learned their love was what started this whole crazy adventure. It is one of those mysteries I am sure everyone is wanting to see. As much as to confirm Rhaegar was an honorable man and that their tragic love was real.

  5. actually Jaquen H'ghar is Rhaegar Targaryen….every time you see Jaquen you can hear a harp playing on the back ground..Rhaegar knew how to play harp…so there u have it…George.R.R.Martin spoiled us from the begining and no one noticed it…

  6. We would definitely like to see how the exceedingly intelligent, "noble" , kind, handsome……. very much married father of two abandoned his wife and kids and ran off with another man's bethroted.


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