Home News Rhaenyra and Daemon’s Weird Bond Teased as Fans Struggle to Make Sense...

Rhaenyra and Daemon’s Weird Bond Teased as Fans Struggle to Make Sense of White Hart


Image via HBO

The fourth episode of House of the Dragon is almost upon us, and fans are holding their breath for the return of their charismatic Rogue Prince. But as Daemon returns to King’s Landing to make even more trouble for his brother than he’s worth, a new dynamic between uncle and niece threatens to topple the entire Targaryen dynasty. There’s also some talk of seeing the Baratheon seat of power for the first time, too, so stick around as we go through today’s tidings from the Seven Kingdoms.

Image via HBO

After defeating the Crab Feeder and the Triarchy at the Stepstones, the victorious Rogue Prince makes his way back to the capital to attend his brother, King Viserys I. We still don’t know how the monarch is going to react to his brother’s exploits over the past three years, but it seems that Daemon is advancing his ambitions through other means now. In any event, the background politicking is only about to get more intense and the first stills from the upcoming episode, titled “King of the Narrow Sea,” promise just as much.

After more than a decade, we’re finally visiting Storm’s End this Sunday

Image via HBO

The Baratheons are a huge part of Game of Thrones and its War of the Five Kings. Even now, in the book timeline, Stannis Baratheon marches towards Winterfell with a massive army at his back. But despite their importance in the larger narrative, we’ve never even seen their bespoke seat of power, Storm’s End. Now, according to Winter is Coming — a reliable Westerosi outlet — and the latest promo image from season four, which you can see above, we’re finally visiting the shoreside fortress at some point during “King of the Narrow Sea.” It’s unclear why Rhaenyra Targaryen has traveled all the way to Storm’s End, but we can’t wait to find out.

‘House of the Dragon’ fans are already putting up the show for prestigious TV awards

Image via HBO

Despite a great many people in the fandom foretelling its doom from a year ago, House of the Dragon proved all its naysayers wrong by reveling in everything that made Game of Thrones great. Even three episodes in, the show has managed to garner a ton of acclaim from critics and fans both, and it seems that some of them are even going so far as to pre-emptively nominate the series for a glorious award season run, the kind that let everyone know its predecessor was one of the best TV shows of all time. Most of the praise seems to center around Matt Smith and Paddy Considine’s portrayals of Daemon and Viserys Targaryen, and dare we add, deservedly so.

What was the deal with the White Hart in episode three?

Milly Alcock as Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragon
Ollie Upton / HBO via Warner Media

While it’s true that George R.R. Martin continually struggles to keep his fictional world grounded in reality ⏤ dragons and ice zombies aside ⏤ there has always been a sense of symbolism in the author’s allusions to mystical beliefs and folklore. We saw an example of this in the latest third episode when Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Triston Cole stared as a White Hart came upon a rise and regarded them for a brief few seconds. The show is never going to outright confirm what that sequence signified, but we have some explanations of our own to offer.

And that’s everything significant that went down in the world and fandom of Westeros over the past day. Tune in tomorrow for more as we brace for the fourth episode, which, something tells us, will end up being the prequel show’s most controversial outing to date.


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