Game of Thrones was the biggest fantasy epic of the past decade. The show broke all records of winning awards and viewership. It wasn’t an overnight success. The success of the series was a result of dedicated hard work and planning. The show’s stars Gemma Whelan and Richard Brake recalled how they felt when the show finally took off. They talked to Digital Spy and revealed how their friends and family reacted as well.

Gemma Whelan (Yara): “These things happen in increments and then suddenly, it’s a thing. It’s not like you’re an overnight sensation. Maybe some of the people on the show were, but it was a slow burn in terms of everyone would go to work, do the show, then there would be five or six months of post-production.

“I’m very, very proud of it and I’m really aware that I was part of a huge, huge show. We all realised quite early on we were in something special and we all held that with great respect.”

Gemma Whelan (Yara) and Richard Brake (Night King) recall Game of Thrones’ success

Richard Brake (Night King): “I was in Bulgaria, shooting a movie. In the middle of the night, my phone just exploded. You know, just text after text. I thought, ‘What the hell?’ It was like somebody had died or something.”

“I then realised that this show had aired in the US, and all my friends and family were texting me about how blown away they were. And then it hit me. At that point, I was like, ‘This is a huge thing’.”

Did the show gradually grow on you, or were you a fan from the beginning? Tell us in the comments below!



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