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Thumbnail by Steve Schoder
Myth of Sisyphus Animation by Dan Lowe:

Lets Start at the Beginning- Lee Rosevere
Light Bridges- Dexter Britain
Do You Feel It- Chaos Chaos



  1. i see alot of people talking about how this video hit the spot or made them cry, well, this video also hit hard in the heart of an idealist who constantly thought about life instead of actually living it with those around him …

  2. oh my! Finally someone who while talking about R&M isn't "hurrr durr nihiiiiilisssmmm", because it always puts me of how they misunderstood the whole point of the show.
    Great analysis, so far I love every video I've watched from you<3

  3. Hey, thought I'd interrupt the chain of memes to tell you good job. This was a fucking fantastic video, and you really get your point across and resonate with your viewers. Keep it up 🙂

  4. You tell me to different things in the middle it talks about absurdity is recognized then you tell me That I need to continuing to explore and search for meaning but at the end u tell me that with out family and friend u have no one to share it with them to guess don't go to together


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