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I saw an episode where islam and even Christianity were taken as ingredients for the laugh which totally unacceptable
Eat some fucking shit you fucking stupid bitch! Ha ha, just kidding
Oh shit tiny people
i just saw that the box the criminal dropped @2:00 said "Not Drugs" LOL haha and ive seen this episode so many times and ive never seen it .
1:17 how does his head fit in there?
Ohhh fuck i'm the killer! i'm runnin'! I'm runnin' real quick!
I fucking love Rick and Morty. I loved that one scene where he burped and then said 'WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB.' He also said 'There is no God,' and that proves what I thought about my retarded, cancer-ridden grandmother was true: Only fucking morons who can't think in the current century believe in God. It's so funny to see these knuckle-dragging, fundementalist Christian, misogynistic morons call Rick and Morty a 'bad show.' It proves how fucking stupid and low-life they are. They can't even understand Mr. Meeseeks, and that's a character even my Corgi laughed at (I took him barking at me while the scene was playing as laughing!) just sounds like a fake taxi porn site. but instead, you try to open the door then you get fucked
It's just called 2 Brothers! lol
Babylegs you're a good detective. But not good enough, because of your babylegs.
we need more stealy
Were these improvised?
Lil bits in a whisper
I cannot believe that all of these commercials are improvised!
6:20 I can't when they start laughing
Its funny because i'm mexican
Old women are comin!
Everyone can use a fake door
Stealy is my spirit animal
Who else wants to see an actual baby legs show
Two brothers was a great movie.
Baby legs sketch should have had the guy have long legs
5:16 they gave the whole movie away in a single trailer. Who makes trailers these days sheese
(Joke saying just incase)
Baby legs
Season 3 sucks so badly so far.
I don't think the two brothers movie will be as good as the comics, I grew up on Two Brothers
Are Stealy and Mr. Poopy Butthole part of the same race?
How did he burn but the ants didn't
It's just called Two Brothe-
I love how in the two brothers show title the word "regular" has the same font as the one used in the title card for Regular Show
This show is so stupid. I don't understand how anyone finds it funny. Guess their target audience is fat feminist manchildren that use Reddit and tumblr.
1:16 is his pants…?
Lil bits……
Gazorpazorpfield is one of my favourites
Is Stealy related to Mr.PoopyButthole?
why not eyes in my ants johnson
1:48 is that What Culture's Adam Pacitti right there as the assistant? He really looks like him
A bag of bombus? Where can I find it?
Mr Stealy
Hi, I'm Mr Meeseekes! Who wants a Plumbus!?
I love how Stealy just busts out a rag loaded full of chloroform lol.
My favorite The Adventures of Stealy episode is when he went to a maternity ward.
All sort of things like such as that Hahaha
1:16 His pants are down
(little bitsssss)
Intergalactic tv is definitely my favorite part of rick n morty
So no Gazorpazorpfield?
Whispers Little Bits