Świetna walka na rapier dzwonowy i pałasz szkodzki w Rob Roy’u.

Great fight with Scottish basket-hilted backsword and cup-hilt rapier at the end of “Rob Roy”. Robert Roy MacGregor vs. Archibald Cunningham.



  1. I love this scene because Cunninham strikes MacGregor many times and Macgregor hit him only once… but his blow is absolutely lethal. Moral: Don't make fights last longer than necessary.

  2. Love the face he makes right after the first time he cuts Roy. He's so proud and impertinent and to be honest I love his style to death but because he's not the main he has to die 🙁 Would make a good main character though for an English movie where he wins fighting like that. He is such a good swordsman. Roy looks drunk and just kinda staggers around.


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