This is a weird dumb and flawed Theory. Don’t believe it.

Ending song: P-Holla, do it for love.


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  1. i gottit
    he warged G-weezy, called out to Nym. She showed up and hid close enough for him double dip. booyah…Robb is Nymeria…..and has Neds bones buried somewhere…….and knows the answer to "where do whores go".

  2. There IS some insight to this. I mean, Arya can warg (Has wolf dreams in books ETC.) So can Bran, So who's to say Other starks can't? It could be possible, Or not. But ya'll know George. One twisted mind.

  3. Robb Stark will be back I guarantee you. Im going to tell you why

    1. First of all, before you tell me there is no coming back from getting your head chopped off and having a wolves head sewn on, we do not know that that was actually his body. Why would the chop off the head unless they wanted to conceal something? While he was stabbed, Jon was stabbed 6 times more and he is back in business as of S6 E2.

    2. The Blackfish theory. Do you remember Robbs loyal uncle Brynden Tully? We know that he escaped the Red Wedding, ANd that he will be coming back for a larger role in season 6. He was devoted to Robb, which is why I think he was able to go back into the Twins during the chaos and retrive Robbs body, most likely for a proper burial at Riverrun, or somehow was able to do something that gives Robb a more likely chance of coming back.

    3. Ian Mcshane was cast for season 6, and HAS announced that he will be bringing back a popular character that everyone thought was dead. I would say the 2 most likely candidates are either the Hound (which will be awesome even still) or Robb (which would be more amazing lol).

    4. The whole warging theory seems like a possibility, but a slim one

    5. There is power in kings blood, and it has been proven. Why would they just dump his away

    6. We have not heard one word from the Freys since the Red Wedding. They could be hiding anything. Anything

    7. This is Game of Thrones, a show that almost REVOLVES around surprises. You need to kill people to make a show good, but when you kill the people that make the show good, the show isnt good.

    8. He is the REAL heir to Winterfell, and since we know Jon will take it back, someone will need to rule it (Jon or Sansa are good, but Robb would obviously suit this role better)

    9. There are atleast 2 more seasons left, giving GRRM and the directors a plethora of time to decide on this (Im trying to say that he doesnt have to come back in season 6)

    10. The Nights Watch vows imply that your watch ends after death. So Jon is no longer required (nor do I think he would want to anymore) to serve the Nights Watch. Im sure he will want to avenge his brother (and father and somewhat mother), which could very well lead to the arc of Robb coming back.

    Hope this helps bring some people out of depression, and reveal some hope or thoughts for those convinced he is dead.

  4. ok, so basically the books provide evidence that all starks have the ability to be wargs. and now everyone is just assuming that any and every stark is avoiding death by warging into animals out of their line of sight and then into a human with no warning except for "FUCK THE STARKS!!"

  5. A better theory would be if Robb was stabbed with a poisoned blade and was brought back north by roose to keep the northern lords from rebelling against him now I do believe that Greywind is dead but I don't think that they sewed his head to Robb Starks body just a random body

  6. Spoiler alert:

    Jon snow's death is 90% confirmed, they gave out an list with all the actors in S6 and Kit Harington isn't on that list, also none of the trailers mention Jon Snow, maybe they removed his name from the list just so we would stop believing that he is still alive but i doubt it.

  7. There's actually multiple moments in Varamyr Sixskin's chapter that show this as completely impossible. If Robb died and went into Greywind, he would've lost the skinchanging ability when he died, as that was his human ability, and his wolf can't do it. Also, even if he could somehow manage to jump into someone else's body, that would certainly have a drastic effect upon the person and they would probably look like they were having a seizure, since that's what happened when Varamyr tried it.

  8. Heard another theory about him being alive in the Freys Cells. It basically said old Freys maester saves him and it's not his body they put Greywinds head on. wasn't any foundation for it but theirs no evidence to contradict it either. As weak a theory as it is it's better than this body hopping rubbish.

  9. There is one slightly weird thing in the whole Robb and Greywind murder but it has to do with Robbs squire Reynald who was trying to free Greywind before the wolf was killed. Reynald was wounded by a crossbow and jumped into the river thus leaving his fate unknown. The possibility is that Robb Stark warged into Greywind and then into Reynald. This is a mad theory of course although therea re madder ones. I thought I recalled something in one of the books that said once a warg permanently took over a new body and their original died they lost their warging power so if so Robb could not have Warged again anyway.

  10. To be honest rob was my favorite character even more then Jon as Jon character doesn't really appeal to me but the fact that they killed leading actor in season threw me off so god knows if Jon will be back or not

  11. Robb stark did warg into Grey Wind. He got loose (in the book) and killed many men before Robb/grey wind was killed. Once Grey Wind/Robb was killed though, Robb died. Sorry to break it to you.

  12. It is a dumb theory which most likely isnt true, but your main reason: He's been gone way too long. could be wrong. I mean benjen has been gone for ages and there are some good theories about him, he may still live or have a part to play.


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