Robert Rodriguez, the director of “Grindhouse” and “Sin City,” said he knew about the alleged sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein of Rose McGowan, and decided to cast McGowan in “Grindhouse” to get back at Weinstein for the incident.
In an extended statement for Variety, Rodriguez detailed his meeting McGowan for the first time in 2005, when she told him Weinstein sexually assaulted her in 1997, and said he blacklisted her from working on, or auditioning for, any Weinstein-produced film.
McGowan signed a non-disclosure agreement with Weinstein in 1997 and received a $100,000 settlement from the movie mogul following the alleged assault, according to The New York Times.

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  1. Yeah sure…wonder how he truly feels considering she in part blamed Rodriguez for her silence, bad mouthed hes directing capabilities, and finally stated she should have listened to her mom and stayed away from Latin men. Wow…Rodriguez is coming off as a huge pussy.


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