In Game of Thrones / ASOIAF, who or what is Robert Strong? And what is Qyburn up to?

This video contains major spoilers for Book 5 / Season 5. Basically, if you’ve read Book 5 or seen Season 5, you can watch this video without having anything significant spoiled.


Created with Toon Boom Studio 8.1, a Wacom Intuos Pen Tablet, and a Blue Yeti microphone.
Images and video from Game of Thrones are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Music based on “Bloodburner (loop 1)” by headphonesvocal on

Thanks to María Mariño Costa for Spanish subtitles.



  1. Did the Lannisters not send the head of Sandor Clegane to Dorne as proof he was dead? I know he may have been reanimated without a head, hence why he never removes his armour but odd it wasn't mentioned in this video

  2. Actually, Clegane Bowl would make sense with Sandor character development. I mean, he gave up hate and violence, so by ending his brothers unlife he would forgive him for everything he has done and deliver him to rest. Sandor would ultimately become a good man. It's possible that he would also die in the confrontation, so their characters could have a satisfatory ending and Cersei can be declared the winner in the trial by combat.

  3. There are many people out there drinking beer and eating every fucking chicken they can find as a result of that video. However I have to agree to some extent.I hate to be a killjoy but Clegane Bowl is not going to go down the way most people think or would hope. The Mountain is going to be melted down by one of the remaining dragons, probably Drogon. The foundations for this theory are as follows. 1. In the Dragon pit when The Hound approached The Mountain he told him that it was not his time yet and that he, The Mountain, knew who was coming for him and why. The context of The Hound's statement implies/infers that they both know that a Targaryen is coming for his brother to avenge the deaths of Elia Martell and her children. The Hound knows this because he has learned/acquired the ability to see things in the fire/flames. Furthermore, The Hound did not seem to be too disappointed about the fact that he is not the one who will kill The Mountain. A further thought occurs as I type. The Hound's attitude is almost saying, in typical Hound undertones, " Yeah you c@#t, if you think what you done to me was bad, wait until you see what is in store for you.". 2. The Mountain is the monstrous/demon like killer who is the conscienceless, not to mention half dead, fear instilling enforcer of the Arch Villain and all round nasty of GOT's. Therefore in typical screen and script 'bad guy payback karma' fashion, The Mountain will experince a spectacularly gruesome and horriffic death, befitting the many gruesome atrocities that he has been responsible for. A possible scenario for 'Clegane Bowl and the melting of The Mountain' would transpire so. The Mountain sees and attacks Jon/Aegon and The Hound, probably Kings Guard for TKITN, will come to protect his king. Due to the unnatural nature of The Mountain's strength and ferocity it will take the two of them to hold him at bay. Jon/Aegon may make what seems to be a telling blow, but to no avail. When it looks as though The Mountain is about to kill Jon/Aegon, Dany will arrive on Drogon and he will grab The Mountain in his mouth, dash him away and then roast him where he lands.


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