Full Scene of the Massacre of King Robert’s Bastards in King’s Landing



  1. With Stannis dead, Gendry is all that's left of House Baratheon. He may not have the Baratheon name, but he has the Baratheon blood. I hear Gendry may appear in Season 7. He finally stopped rowing around Dragonstone! If Gendry runs into Daenerys when she lands, this would provide her with a special opportunity to win the support of the Stormlands. If Gendry swears fealty to her, then she could legitimize him as Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End. Because Gendry is the son of the man who took everything from Daenerys's family, Tyrion and Varys would need to use all their persuasive powers to convince her to use Gendry as a political tool instead of dragon feed.

  2. People say this is what got people to discontinue to watch the show.You bastards need to reread medieval history.This is what they fucking did in the medieval age.I love this show because it is accurate to the medieval living and the books itself.


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