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Do you think anymore starks will die?
★ Playlist with all my theories ★

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  1. that's stupid. Rickon is still alive in the books and I guess they didn't plan season 6 when they were shooting 1, so there is no way they could make this an easter egg, because they couldn't known

  2. People in the comments keep trying to take from this that Sansa will become ugly. But what if she becomes ugly on a personal level rather than physical? And between Joffrey, Ramsay, and Baelish, she's set up to become really bitter and angry. In the original outline, Sansa does choose against her siblings, perhaps this is still in the cards.

  3. this ties in with the curse of episode 9 as well (if a stark dies, they die on the 9th episode), and since there wont be anymore episode 9s on the show, there probably wont be anymore stark deaths.

  4. Robert also told Sansa she was a pretty one….and she was shuffled from potential husband to husband and all anyone saw was her beauty. He asks Arya's name….and now she is no one. Brandon shows off his muscles and Robert says he'll be a fine warrior some day……..Brandon then falls from the tower.
    But I'm guessing there's another catch. Sansa is beginning to learn her own power and tho she's still pretty, my bet is she learns to use that to her advantage. Arya became no one, but she's slowly started becoming Arya again. And Brandon always wanted to be a knight, but do to the accident, gave up on that. Now he's learning skills that he can fight back with as well. Becoming a fine warrior.

  5. I just realized something very strange every red haired person we came to know in this show has died from an arrow ros was shot by Joffrey, ygritte shot by olly, rickon shot by Ramsey so what if that's how Sansa dies too!

  6. When he screwed Cersei, he screwed the entire kingdom.

    He suggested that Sansa would be happier with a dog. When she finally got one, I imagine it brought her quite a lot of joy as it converted Ramsay into poop.

    He said "Daenerys Dies". She won't survive the series CONFIRMED! He said her unborn child dies, (he did). He said Viserys, too (he also died).

    In his anger, he even told Ned that he would put his head on a spike himself (and in dying, he did… metaphorically speaking).

    Robert clearly had some kind of power other than just being king, and he doesn't necessarily have to touch anyone or do weird fire rituals to use it.

  7. It is difficult to know the full implications in so far as Jon and Bran. It is suggested that Rhegar had reinstated the institution of polygamy just before the war, this may have been due to the prophecy that the legitimate child would be a savior, Jon is being protected because he have yet to fulfill his role. Similarly Bran may have been protected due to the circumstances leading up to his fall, forces may have prevented Robert from sullying his destiny to become the "three-eyed-Raven".
    As far as any "curse" is concerned, perhaps it is punishment on the part of the Starks for their involvement in a war, that as we are discovering, was unjustified. Robert wanted vengeance for loss of love and face, not a reason for thousands to die, the "Mad Kings" rantings were actually lucid visions of the future, and 'burn them all' was an order directed for the White Walkers. The Starks Robert touched perhaps are the ones recognized as closest to him.

  8. Brings to mind Chekhov's gun. Seeing as the principle of the curse has been followed, I think it's likely something they were thinking about.

    Seeing as Robert's death kind of kicks off all the wackiness that has pervaded the show, it makes sense for his touch to be cursed.

  9. I think at least one male and one female will be left. I think John and Sansa make sense as rulers. Arya is kinda weird. Not sure what her role is. Don't see her as a ruler nor a warrior (during the series timeline). Bran is probably important during the end war and all the info he has. He could probably rule after he matures. Most likely one to die is John, though it would seem bit cruel to kill him twice…

  10. just noticed, is it just me? King Robert comments on Sansa's beauty; and that's all he says to her, at that point to almost the end of season 6 that's what she had a problem with- beauty, or what a pretty thing she represented; hostage/ title/ name to Robert/ Joffery/ Tywin/ Cercesi/ whom ever (yes I know spelling).
    King Robert then moved to Arya, "whats your name"… well, we know the trouble Arya has with her idenity through out the show.
    King Robert says to Bran, "show us your muscles, hmm, yes, you'll be a soldier" (or something), and then Bran becomes a cripple, killing his dream of becoming a soldier unless he wargs into another's body.
    So, beauty, Sansa is still beautiful, but now she's also smart, but she had a hella hard road to get there. Name, Arya, she had her name, but she had to be others, to live as others to get what it means to be Arya Stark of Winterfell. Soldier, Bean could still realize his dream, and kinda had through Hodor, but he can never do so I'm his own skin.
    I feel Long Roberts curse, was also a little profetic for the remaining Starks.

  11. I think it's a coincidence but i also think it's accurate. i cant see sansa or arya dying (technically jon ain't a stark but he won't die either) but it does seem a little conspicuous how robert goes out of his way to ruffle rickons hair

  12. All the Starks are going to die, that is the meaning of Jon's dream… Perhaps even Jon that is why he doesn't want to go down there.. Perhaps why the Kings keep telling him he isn't a Stark, this isn't where his body will rest.

  13. "No more Starks will die" I would really hope so, there's almost none left and if Jon's strategy for war is to Leroy Jenkins all over Westeros, then he will die again, and I don't think Melisandre'll want to bring him back this time, Sansa is in contact with Littlefinger, matter of when not if, and Arya is probably going to die trying to kill Cersi


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