10 actors were approached by HBO for Robert’s Rebellion Game of Thrones Prequel Movie as reported by creative geek these are just Rumors but lets have some fun
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  1. We need something that's more and it seems like that your more into it because Aegon conquest or dance with dragons would be more epic because we're getting Roberts Rebellion so why we need it as a motherfuckin movie I mean come on and plus are you motherfuckin kidding me I would love to see Aegon conquest or dance with dragons that's more badass plus I think the only reason you definitely feeding into them saying this because you want it to happen

  2. Definitely some talented actors lined up if the rumors are true. But I couldn't agree more with you–if GRRM isn't in it, good acting would be wasted. The Dunk and Egg stories might be a better choice.

  3. The movie will make money so a Robert's Rebellion storyline could happen. I'm with you on having GRRM involved to do it right tho. It's refreshing seeing a fellow NYC hiphop head getting hooked on ASOIAF series. I don't have many friends left these days let alone ones that will geek out on books with me. Cheers Tony.

  4. Tony , I'm back , been overseas , gotta catch up on the videos I missed
    But I was thinking, they should do a book, or cartoon or something, on the war of the nine penny kings, dunk and egg, etc

  5. Oh wow, I would love a movie about Roberts Rebellion. There are so many juicy mysteries that need to be uncovered from that time period. I personally am very suspicious of all the hiding and swapping around of babies. I wonder if Elia's children were actually killed by The Mountain. I suspect that Sir Ilyn Paine had his tongue cut out not because he offended Aries, but because he knows something about or helped with the baby swapping. Then his house was given Poderick Paine as a ward. Now Poderick is seemingly repeating history, (Dunk and Egg Tales) with Brienne. Then there are Ashara Dane, Rhaella Targaryen, and of course Lyanna Stark who all had babies. I really need to know about all these babies!
    I have really been enjoying your theories and collaborations with James of Thrones! You all are so much fun.

  6. i would love to see a prequel on the dance of dragons. though im sure the cost of recrewating the dragons will keep it from ever being done. after that id love to see something on Aegon the Unworthy….that would be a drama filled show.

  7. Somewhere George said that we would know everything about Robert's Rebellion by the end of the story. I agree that it should be have George involved. The only way anything else should be made from his world is if the story is complete.

  8. I've heard rumors about a Dunk and Egg series to follow the Game of Thrones series and its also supposed to be on HBO, I'm not sure if they plan on using the same creators but I assume they will if it actually transpires. I like that concept but a Robert Rebellion movie could be Awesome if it was long enough or made into 2 parts, and like Tony said if George RR Martin was involved extensively with its creation. #WePullTheStrings

  9. would love to see a dunkin egg show or even the andal invasion would be great. I watch as much GOT's videos as possible and yours are the best. I can't believe you don't have over a million subs. thanks for all you do to keep me entertained.

  10. Seriously doubt we'll get a Robert's Rebellion "Movie". That would actually be the perfect scenario to set another series in. There's no Dragon's at that time period, magic is not as prevalent as it in during the current series, or in the earlier years. Those reasons alone make it more attractive to a show producer, because CGI won't be as heavily relied upon. If they were to do a movie, it would have to be a multi picture deal, most likely 3. Anything less than that wouldn't be able to do it justice. As far as GRRM being involved in writing it? He needs to finish ASOIAF, first. Either a new series, or Movie venture would consume too much of his time, and he's said he won't allow that to happen again.

  11. +TeflonTv I would love this, it is what I want! I want something similar with the Marauder Era for HP Series. Arron Taylor is perfect for both Benjen Stark and James Potter, you might not be a fan; of HP but I love both Series equally!

  12. It was looking pretty feasible until I saw Naomi watts and tom hardy. I love Both those actors… Even James McCvoy was too big of a name. I'd rather see a series covering the dunk and egg stories.

  13. Roberts rebellion in 2 1/2 hrs? GRRM's characters can't be captured in that time IMO. That's one great thing about ASOIAF, the characters and their personal journeys & growth / downfalls

  14. You are right, Don Teflon, that unless George RR himself is involved in this movie's creation, it is doomed to mediocrity at best!

    One casting "decision" which surprises me for this movie, is Benjen Stark. You would think that Robert's Rebellion would demand characters like Stannis Baratheon, Brandon Stark, Rhaegar Targaryen, Mace Tyrell and even Jon Connington… not Lord Stark's last kid and third son!


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