Being on Game of Thrones can only help its cast members’ careers, with Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) being a perfect example. In addition to appearing in Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, due out next month, McElhatton will also appear in one of the fall’s biggest movies: DC Comics Justice League. Speaking to Red Carpet News TV,  McElhatton was coy about his exact role, but did say he’ll be part of a big big opening scene.

McElhatton also says that Justice League will have more humor than “the last one,” by which we assume he means Batman v Superman, which was about as funny as your father’s funeral.

Justice League is turning into something of a Game of Thrones reunion. In addition to McElhatton, the film will star Ciarán Hinds (Mance Rayder) as villain Steppenwolf and Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) as Aquaman. So that’s a king, a khal, and a Warden of the North. It’s a recipe for wackiness.

Elsewhere, Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Gianstbane) has secured two new parts. According to Variety, he’ll will play identical twins Erik and Adam in a new multi-part drama set in Norway, appropriately titled Twin.

Erik is a “surfer bum.” Adam is a successful family man. When Erik, down on his luck, reaches out to Adam for help, Adam rejects him. A fight breaks out, and Erik and Adam’s wife Ingrid accidentally kill Adam. To cover up the crime, Erik assumes Adam’s identity with Ingrid’s knowledge and cooperation.

It kind of sounds like a dark take on Freaky Friday, but Variety describes Twin as a “character-driven drama” with “broader social themes.” Color us intrigued.

Twin is the product of 15 years worth of collaboration between Hivju and writer-director Kristoffer Metcalfe, so let’s hope it’s worth the long gestation process when it premieres.

h/t ComicBook.comDigital Spy



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