Rory McCann’s audition for the role of Sandor Clegane



  1. My favorite Sandor quote: "Your friend's dead, and Meryn Trant's not, 'cause Trant had armor. And a big fucking sword."

    We only just started watching this great series a month ago. We are partway thru season 5. The last we saw of Sandor, Arya left him to die, but we don't know yet if he is dead. I hope not, love this character.

  2. Did they even waste the bytes auditioning anyone else after that? He and Peter Dinklage are the best casting ever, for a true representation of the books. I loved them from the first book forward, and Rory outHounds the Hound.

  3. OMYGOD I only realizing that the text he's reading for his audition is the scene between him and Sansa when he tell her about his scars…
    Scene which is not in the serie, replace by a dialogue between Sansa and Littlefinger. Fuck it all. RIP Sansan fan.

  4. Hot Damn that was some good acting. I was so taken aback when he shouted. The way he memorised the lines really shows how much he cared about the audition. Good man, great actor.


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