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An arrest warrant has been obtained for actress Rose McGowan for felony possession of a controlled substance.

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  1. Can everyone saying she took "hush money" please stop saying that. Her settlement never said she couldn't release the information. She purposefully said nothing. Also resolving a sexual assault case in civil court is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes that is the best retribution someone can get. Bill O Riley settled his with a $32 million dollar pay out and yes that woman cannot release any details about the case. But does it really matter? He still had to suffer consequences, along with losing his reputation and job. Some victims never even get that kind of win, so I say whatever the victim finds to be the best solution to their suffering if they can achieve it I say good for them. But Rose McGowan is a bs artist because she settled her case and is using it to stay relevant it seems. Its disgusting. If she didn't feel she got justice she should have done more at the time of her case. She should have spoken out earlier. Her warrant has nothing to do with it and doesn't make her directionless valid. But to use it as a tool to manipulate the public saying "they are trying to silence her" does more damage to her credibility than the warrant ever could. Plus the settlement that she agreed to clearly stated that the payment of 100k was not to be construed as an admission. Meaning just because he paid out the 100k did not make Weinstein liable of any wrongdoing but to make peace and avoid litigation. She agreed to that and gave up any responsibility he would have to admit. Which is why she didn't have to stay quiet about it because they both agreed he was not at fault or did anything wrong.

  2. LOL….That old trollop of a whore of a junkie Rose McGowan…LOL…Of course all women love her because they are all just like Rose McGowan..lying whores, trollops, and junkies!

  3. she had no problem taking hush money and keeping her mouth shut. Then years later all of a sudden she's a hero.%^& her. If she would of spoken out from the very beginning and called the cops so many other women would not be other victims now.

  4. Seems a bit fishy only because I just saw a video about Stranger Things star was caught with traces of cocaine in his luggage just the other day, and he just had to go back home to the U.K. Or wherever in Europe, no charges, no nothing. But she is fully charged and a warrant for the exact same thing? Just traces of substance?


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