In Season 6, Episode 8, Arya has a conversation with the Actress/FakeCersei where they mention the world is flat. I don’t believe this.

I’m not sure if GRRM has confirmed the world is round, although I believe he has I just can’t find the quote, but there is evidence in the books which make this possible and probable.

Thanks YouTuber: Chaokai for finding GRRM’s confirmation on this … I can’t believe I didn’t find these myself 😛

“George RR Martin confirmed this is in an interview:

On the same site i also found another one were he confirms it’s round, the maesters know it’s round but the common folk may still believe the world is flat: – Chaokai

If the world is round, this makes it likely that Quaithe’s prophesy to Daenerys is true, and would add a lot of interest to her storyline and the fight against the whitewalkers in the North.

Here are some links for images I’ve used and other videos/articles that discuss similar theories.

Ideas of Ice and Fire:

Connected Map theory:

More maps:



  1. Hey Folks, I'm getting a lot of people telling me how obvious it is that the world here is round. I just want to point out that the point of this video is to discuss theories that rely on this fact being true (such as Westeros and Essos possibly connecting), and I thought it deserved a discussion. Thanks for watching.

  2. What I think curious is that, judging by the series opening, the world is indeed round, but concave, just like in Hollow Earth theories. There is an central sun, being the astrolabe and to me that's to much of a hint of what GRRM get inspiration from.

  3. Yes, of course, it's round. The black citadels that were built to keep out 'demons' are the equivalent of the wall for Eastern Essos. That part of Essos connects to the far North of Westeros across the top of the world.

    George doesn't need to specifically confirm the roundness of the planet, really. Well done video though. If you are looking for something else to explore as a theory, here's one you could try out. The Night King isn't trying to 'end all life'. He is trying to end the Children of the Forest and their magic so he can finally just Die. All the other killing along the way is just collateral damage.

  4. A bit of feedback, if you will. Telling us that YOU want to do this video and why doesn't really tell us anything. Obviously you want to make this video hence why it existed when I clicked on it. Another thing is that, well, why would I want to watch your video if you link me with better videos? Couldn't you make other videos and then link the round world vids when you came to the topic inside another vid?

  5. The way I always saw it, Westeros and Essos are just small parts of a bigger unexplored planet. Sort of how Europeans knew nothing about the existance of Americas or China for most of the medieval period. There's probably many more continents around.

  6. How crazy that we turn to George's word for absolute answers. And rightly so. But I just find it interesting how the one man gets asked a question, he might even have to make up an answer on the spot sometimes, and then he gives his answer, and now that is the fully accepted belief about this vast imaginary world.

  7. Personally, I would prefer it if even if the world is round, Westeros and Essos are unconnected (either another undiscovered continent between them or even an ocean). I like the mystery shrouding the east, the idea that there are creatures out there just as dangerous as the others but different makes the world alot more rich. I hope that the east is left as a mystery as it is fun to let your imagination run wild with possibilities.

  8. Its inverted, in reality we live on the outside of the planet. In GoT they live on the inside, you can see even in the opening credits everything is scrolling on an inverted curvature and the sun is basically the core of their world.

  9. Yo if they have seasons that last for years how do they measure years? Like it'd be arbitrary to just pick 365 days out of thin air, and it's the medieval times so shouldn't they do the same as us and measure from the middle of winter to the next middle of winter? And wouldn't that make all the characters like a hundred in earth years?

  10. To be honest I always imagined Westeros to be the size of Britain and Ireland combined, and Essos as the size of Anatolia. Would make much more seance of last season given how they were mobilizing quickly.

  11. I have a different theory…
    Westeros is about the size of great britain as that is the country it takes inspiration from and there is still an entire planet to explore in that world.
    you think characters are crossing a contenent the size of Australia in a few days or something?

  12. Q: Does Westeros connect to the eastern continent (Essos) through the north?

    Martin: No

    Q: Is your world round. I mean if Dany traveled far enough east couldnt she come to the other side of westeros?

    Martin: Yes, the world is round. Might be a little larger than ours, though. I was thinking more like Vance's Big Planet…. but don't hold me to that.

    That's from question 5 under "Geographic Information" and question 3 under "Euron and the Globe", respectively.

    a World of Ice and Fire;

    -The Long Night, ch5, awoiaf.

    the Rhoynar tell tales "of a darkness that…froze the river (Rhoyne in Essos) as far south as the joining of the Selhoru."

    -YiTi, ch110, awoiaf.

    *The Bloodstone Emperor usurped his sister, killing her, "…ushering in a age of darkness called the Long Night…the Maiden-made-of-Light turned her back on the world and the Lion-of-Night came forth with all his worth to punish the wickedness of men."
    *This ended the Golden Empire of the Dawn. The Long Night in Essos was brought to an end when a warrior/warriors that came forth to drive back the Loin-of-Night.
    *The Five Forts may have been built by the Pearl Emperor to protect the Realms of Men from the Lion-of-Night and his demons.

    Speculations on the world and this issue;

    * Prehaps during the Long Night that glaciation created a 'land bridge' that connected Westeros with Essos, or with Essos via some other land mass. It's also possible that the Night King (Great Other) and the Lion-of-Night are to entirely different characters of entirely different races.

    *though I can't find the reference, only that it's in the "a World of Ice and Fire"; the Maester's reason that the world maybe round and that if one could sail far enough across the Sunset Sea they may reach the Far East of Essos, opening up new trade routes.

    -the Drowned Man, ch11, aFoC
    During the Kingsmoot a contender to the Iron Born's Seastone Chair suggests that they should travel across the Sunset Sea to live like kings of a new land. The Ironborn are basically the Vikings, this conjures up parallels to Erik the Red, Leif Erickson and their explorations from Norway to Iceland, Greenland and North America.

    Combining these two passages with the idea that since every other place and location seems to be a rough equivalent of a fanciful version of the real world as told by early travelers. (Westeros = the British Ilses with elements of France and Spain.
    Essos = the Rest of Eurasia and the Middle-East.
    Southos = Africa.)
    I think that there is a probability that there is an equivalent continent/s to the New World aka the Americas. I'm going to dub this New continent Nuevossos.
    Nuevos = new
    Os = world or continent.
    Nuevossos would be just a provisional name until it gets named after some explorer of course.

  13. Of course it's round, in season 2 there's a comet passing in the sky, with a red tail, there's talk about moons, all this clearly states that the "world" is based on universal cosmic values/laws.


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