Game Of Thrones (GOT) S01 E07
Sexposition: Petyr Baelish explains his character’s childhood and goals to two actresses who are simulating sexual activity.

Littlefinger instructs the newly-arrived Ros and another prostitute, Armeca, on how to please their customers and make them happy.

Littlefinger advised Ros that her clients will know she is a prostitute, and won’t be swayed by easy manipulations. Rather, the trick is to very slowly convince the client that he really is something special, that he truly has impressed her and wooed her devotion. In parallel, Ned Stark knew from the beginning that Littlefinger was a manipulative courtier, but Baelish “seduced” Ned’s trust by slowly convincing him that he had appealed to Baelish’s “good side”, that Ned’s superior honor had truly convinced Baelish to do the “right thing”, even as he was mechanistically plotting to betray Ned.

“That’s what I know. That’s what I am. And only by admitting what we are can we get what we want.”

“Your job is to make them forget what they know”
“He’s winning you over in spite of yourself”
“he’s reaching something deep inside of you that no one even knew was there”

-What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her
-A stupid saying, what we don’t know is usually what gets us killed”

-Do you know what I learned, losing that duel?
I learned that I’ll never win, not that way. That’s their game… their rules. I’m not going to fight them… I’m going to fuck them. That’s what I know. That’s what I am.



  1. Some of these scenes are just retarded. Is all that moaning necessary? I'm trying to listen to the dialogue and the bitch keeps moaning. How are you supposwd to watch this with kids or parents near?
    This is why I believe there is a global agenda to corrupt the masses. They want the youth growing up with these f***ed up shows and music, so they turn out to be law abiding, mindless zombies who just pay their taxes and spend whats left on vice.
    People that are too busy chasing sex, sports and drugs to criticize their government. Whats better than that?
    "Give them bread and circuses. They wont give a damn what you do, Caesar, if you will just give them that."

  2. Really? Stereotypical shit. Why must a man tell two gay women how to have their sex? There is no male role in a gay female relationship. They don't sound ridiculous or anything! That's the sound a lot of women make when having sex with a man.


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