Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 just ended so let’s take a closer look at main event that will take place in Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4. Daenerys Targaryen just had the Unsullied take Casterly Rock and Jaime Lannister just knocked off Highgarden but the war has only just begun. We have seen in the Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer that The Lannister’s and The Dothraki will clash in the open field. We have also seen Daenerys there with her Dragon as well which means bad new for The Lannister’s and The Tarly’s. It looks like The Lannister’s will be defeated in The Spoils of War but not before Jaime Lannister attempts to kill one of Daenerys Targaryen’s Dragons. How do you think everything will play out in Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4? Let me know your thoughts down below!

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  1. If Hot Pie was slaughtered by the Nights King …everyone in Westeros would be fucked….mankind will have no more pies to feed there men.and the army of the dead would rule and hot pie would be running the fucking show!!!what a boss

  2. Cersi has Jamey. ….Daenerys has Tyrion.
    It is like putting a general against a diplomat. That's one of the reasons Daenerys is losing….she needs a Jorah type guy advising her. Someone who understands battle tactics.

  3. Pissed when the episode ended. Quickest hour I can remember. Jamie drowned? Did John bend the knee? Is Drogon hurt bad? Aryas home!! Things are accelerating at a breakneck pace now. The battle was epic. as good as Battle of the Bastards. Is it Sunday yet?

  4. Jamie tells Cersei to give up because he sees how powerful Danny is. She did this with one Dragon and she has three. Their gold, food and Army is gone. Cersei needs to bend the knee.

  5. Talking Thrones: If you are telling the truth that you did not watch the leaked episode then give us the same level of extremely detailed and precise description of episode 05 right here right now! I really and genuinely want to believe you but the only thing i have learned from Little Finger is that I should consider everybody as my friend and … as my enemy !

  6. I hated this fuckin battle, made no sense. 1 minute the Dothraki and Dany were at Dragonstone then they stepped into the magical teleporter everyone thise season seems to have and were surrounding the Lannisters. They're rushing the end of this story way too fast.


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