Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 7 Preview Video. Now that Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 is over let’s take a look at some of the things we should see in the next Episode. Now that Daenerys Targaryen just defeated The Lannister Army she should be making her way back home to Dragonstone where Jon Snow is waiting for her. This could be when Jon Snow meets Drogon for the first time that seemed to be teased in the Trailer. We could also see Jorah Mormont reunite with Daenerys Targaryen now that his Greyscale is cured. We haven’t seen The Hound and the Brotherhood without Banners for awhile either so they may be at Eastwatch by the Sea now. The Season is starting to shift towards the finale with many characters changing positions. What do you want to see happen next? Let me know down in the comment section. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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  1. How crazy is it how quickly Jon& Co.Got to Eastwatch from Dragonstone paddling a boat, yet the Night King is still Marching towards the Wall, there's no logic, but yet in the Episode 6 preview u have Wights running like Usain Bolt. The Night King was @ Hardhome n season 5, yet Jon & Co. just paddled all the way up to Eastwatch , Skipped Winterfell,screw seeing ur bro & sis who I thought were dead.Either there Olympic rowers or the Nights Kings Army is crawling towards the wall. The way they just throw everyone around the Map wih all there time travel capabilities is just lazy writing , I think this season has been the worst in terms of writing and plot, Soon as they ran out of GRR material this show has suffered.

  2. Cerci will never help out. Sansa is busy planning for the post cold night era. Baelish is truly evil and I think varys is too. The dwarf is too sentimental and Jaime is blinded by love. Everyone mentioned above will die except Tyron Lannister

  3. Did you address what Jaime meant when he said to Bronn (ep 4) that he could have any choice of castle after they win the war; there will be no one to stop him? Also, I've asked others before but there has to be a meaning to Dani, Jon, and Tyrion being motherless or better, all having mothers that died birthing them. Please make a video for your answer. Too many comments to know if you answered me. You're good. I subscribed.

  4. I am curious to see the reaction when Jamie tells his sister about the defeat by dragons. She's not used to losing and will probably go ballistic. She doesn't have too many options left.

  5. I think the reason why the Knight King started attacking its bec of Human being IN their land (ice), remember the wights gets their offering from Gilly's father.

    Is it possible that the boy Gilly and Sam is carrying is Azor Ahai?
    I mean does anyone tried to see what's tge purpose of that boy? After all, the offering is always a boy..

  6. If Sam will see a document showing the marriage of Targarian and stark, most likely Sam will speculate of a son, his friend is a bastard whose mother is unknown, then connect it with Barratheon who might not be sympathetic to a targarean then you can connect the dots.


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