Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Breakdown Video. Now that Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 is over let’s take a look at the Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Trailer. The Trailer is short but there is plenty of things to look forward to. Jon Snow will meet Drogon. Jon Snow will pet Drogon. Daenerys will burn Randyll and Dickon Tarly. Qyburn will examine Cersei. Cersei Lannister will find out she’s pregnant. Davos and Tyrion sneak into King’s Landing. Tyrion meets Jaime and Bronn. The Night King is going to Eastwatch. Bran Stark has a vision of the Night King. Davos finds Gendry. Jorah reunites with Daenerys Targaryen, and so much more. Comment down below with your thoughts. Thanks for watching!

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  1. Little finger is plotting a rift between Sansa and Ayra. Tyrion I think is plotting against Dany wanting her to join forces with Cersei, knowing that Cersei don't give a flying flip about no one but herself. Cersei really don't give 2 shits about Jamie, either she told him never to betray her again. Tyrion also asking Jon and company to risk their lives to catch a Wight and bring back to Cersei, to prove to her that they need her help. I say again Cersei, doesn't a flying F, about none 'em. Lol.

  2. Cerci could be talking to her brother yes but also it could be her hand, or the representative of the iron bank….very nice plot and the way you read it was very interesting. I guess tonight we would all see ; )

  3. I love your videos 🙂

    Rewatching the premiere of season 7 last night, Jaime explicitly stated that they cannot win the war without food and added that the Tyrells had the grain and the livestock.
    Of course, they have lost that now as Dany has probably retaken the Reach and I don't believe that all the food supplies from the region would have been destroyed in the Field of Fire 2.0.

    Question beckons, what will be more valuable now that the two sides are engaged in war and winter has come? I'd say if history is any indication (such as Ancient Egypt for instance), it will be the food. In desperate times, people crave the essentials, not so much gold.

    There is a wonderful theory posted on Reddit which you might have seen, that posits that in paying off the Iron Bank debt in full, Cersei may have committed a huge error.
    The theorist points out the remark made by Tycho that some in the Bank will be disappointed with the end of the interest payments.
    I did wonder, as the theorist also pointed out, why Tywin had never paid off the debt in full.

    As anyone who has experience dealing with Banks knows, they have a vested interest in keeping people in debt – to a degree. And the Bank definitely benefitted from the Lannister debts. The point being that despite the danger of supporting their enemies, the Bank may have had a vested interest in seeing the Lannisters remain on the throne, so that the debt could be repaid. The reddit theorist posits that the Iron Bank is now in a great position and can back whichever side they deem most likely to be a successful endeavour. Tycho's remark to Cersei when he asks how the Bank could be of use in future business dealings with the Iron Throne (note that he doesn't say, the Lannisters) may further support this contention in the long run.

    Anyways, just thought this might be of some utility to the discussion.

  4. Jon's hand gets burnt af in the books so does he really have the blood of the dragon? Or could it have been awakened when he was revived by the lord of light? Are there any signs he is burn resistant after that moment?

  5. Great video! I really do like the way you explain everything fluently! Although I hope nothing from S8 gets leaked.. maybe a little hahah.. but it's really irritating that things started to get more predictable. It could also be a trick of the writers and producers of the show does.

  6. One thing I don't understand. They delayed the beginning of the season because of as Benioff And Weiss said :"We're starting a bit later because at the end of this season, 'Winter is here'—and that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes any more. So we kind of pushed everything down the line, so we could get some grim, grey weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot." ….I don't see anywhere winter, except for the North. Sunny weather is everywhere. And I doubt this will change much – more than half of the season is done.

  7. I'm curious as to how the squad will capture a wight and deliver to KL as evidence of WW existence (and thus prove the need to battle them in the North)? And how does one transport a wight? By dragon??

  8. When winter comes… You’ll hear no lions roar… No stags grazing the fields…No roses growing in the meadows… No snakes in the sand… The sun will cease to warm the land… The krakens will freeze where they swim… The flayed men will rot and wither… No trouts swimming in the river and no falcons flying in the air… Not even the dragons’ breath will warm you in your halls… And the “Others” will turn man to wight…Brace yourselves… Winter is coming.And only the wolves will howl in the long night.

  9. My predictions:  The Night King calls a storm that freezes the water allowing the army of the dead walk around the wall.  Catspaw was made as a combo of Valerian Steel and Dragon Glass to kill the Night King. Beric Dondarrion will have the sword Dawn and join Jon in quest.


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