Welcome back for another Game of Thrones character breakdown video. All of the evidence used in this video is from the books so I am not so sure if this will happen during Game of Thrones Season 8 or not. The Stark Sisters were feuding during Season 7 but in the books there are hints of Arya Stark taking a much darker path. Some of you may interpret the clues in another way but I think Sansa Stark’s fate can be put into question. Let me know what you think about the video. Thanks for watching!

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Outro Music: Light of the Seven Remix



  1. After the whole S07 plot, I don’t think Arya will kill Sansa, but maybe she will put her down if Sansa turns into a White, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau did say some characters will turn. Great Video!

  2. I like this theory. but when looking at the Lady connection, I like looking at it like Lady was sacrificed for Nymeria. Could be that Sansa sacrifices herself for Arya. Just my take on this theory

  3. His origonal plan never included sansa. she was partially sansas character as well including her story line as marrying Tyrion, when there was to be a love triangle between arya, jon and tyrion. So that can never be included as a possible reason she may not make it. In fact one could say the opposite.

  4. But, what would be Arya's reasoning for killing her? There's no set up for that. Last season there was sort of a set up leading us to one of their demise by the hands of the other but now there's no reason. Unless….it's over Gendry? Hmmm

  5. She didnt call her mother, either. More like she only calls male characters to help her, as a newly flowered girl, its only natural. But yes, thousand faces and weasels are nice catch!

  6. Brilliant synopsis and theory, as ever, but rather chilling. Definitely a possibility but it would be a wrongful death, a result of misunderstanding and anger. We know how volatile and ruthless Arya can be. Both of the Stark girls suffered so much and it impacted them so differently – Sansa matured, grew strength, courage and wisdom, transforming from a silly girl into a leader. Arya became a skilled fighter and lethal assassin…but she seems lacking in restraint, very linear thinking. It didn’t take much of Littlefinger's devious manipulations for Arya to threaten her own flesh and blood. Scary stuff!

  7. Is there enough time for this fight. We got cersei's and the night King. There's no time for that and we don't want that please no fighting between the sisters no killing please no. I mean Sansa is not on arya's list. I don't know, that dream kinda happen already in King's Landing and the Hound saved her. Does she have this dream before after Arya came back to Winterfield..

  8. compelling enough but I think you think a lot! Hehe! other than that she might fall during the war for winterfell, maybe "lady Stark" survives the Night kings onslaught bcz shes suppose to be lady at winterfell

  9. GRRM is so much more dark that D&D. The books are pure GRRM. D&D have to cater to the movie franchise. I believe GRRM would have sister kill sister but it won't happen in the show.

  10. ok try this theory, you said that Sansa will suffer the same fate as Lady, being killed by a Stark…so the direwolves deaths go as follows: Lady killed by Ned Stark= Sansa might get killed by a Stark, Grey Wind killed by the Frey army= Robb killed by the Frey army….Shaggy Dog killed by Bolton alliance Umber army which leads to Ramsay Bolton killing Rickon…Summer was killed by the White walkers…which leads me to believe that Bran will suffer the similar fate. All of this is tricky theorizing and can most definitely be challenged, but it's showing a pattern that even the biggest of GOT experts can't deny might have some validity…haha so yea this is my idea of a "Direwolf prophecy" haha…but in the words of our gal Melisandre…."Prophecies are dangerous things" LOL…

  11. I think of Arya kills Sands it will be as a mercy killing as she has already been fatally injured. Ned killed Lady rather than let her be killed in a horrid way so this might mirror this

  12. I have a feeling that only Jon Snow will survive. Out of all the Starks remaining, his is the only character to show some actual growth. Sansa is stuck with the same arrogance that she had as a child. She hasn't learned any wisdom from her experiences and strikes me as someone on the same path to becoming a Cersei in her own way. Arya is stuck in the endless cycle of death. All she knows how to do is kill and nothing more. I don't see a happy ending in her future. Bran is stuck… well, Bran is tripping on some really bad 'shrooms. Jon on the other hand finally decided to admit he knows nothing and started hitting the books on life.


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