SPOILERS !!!!!! – Sansa will Kill Arya season 7 Game of Thrones Stark vs Stark I think it’s fair to say we all have come to the conclusion that Little finger will meet his end this upcoming season ,with all of the plot leaks early on and the recent entertainment weekly feature that has showcased Arya sporting the infamous Valyrian steel dagger that in its own way started this whole chain of events from the war of the five kings to the present events I will explain why this will lead to the death of Arya by her own Sister Sansa !!


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  1. Been saying for weeks Sansa will kill Arya.. Here is another Theory, Arya learns LittleFinger was told to kill her by Sansa. So she kills LittleFinger in the Crypts and wears his face.. The other possibility is, Arya puts her face on Sansa as she sleeps, knowing of the order to kill her. Little Finger kills Arya as she sleeps. On;y to learn he killed Sansa. Or maybe he doesn't learn it at all. But my hunch is, Arya herself dies. There is an old unwritten rule In GoT and that is if you kill a bunch of people mass murder style as Arya did Frey, your own death is a certainty. It's karma GoT style.

  2. Your video is lame sansa's not gonna kill her own sister over littlefinger thats just dumb and out of character and plus that wouldn't go over well with jon exicuting his favorite sister in the name of peter baelish

  3. Hmmm. I'm thinking Sansa will become jealous of both Arya and Jon, and I do think Sansa is working for Cersei (spies on Game of Thrones and they are called Little Birds, and Cersei loved to call Sansa Little Dove) But, I do think Arya will become wary of her, kill Littlefinger, take his face and see what secrets big sister has. And then she will reveal them to Jon and he will be forced to kill her. Or who knows, maybe Lady Mormont will kill her.

  4. How did Sansa get hold of Needle?
    Sansa may mention killing Arya in passing then I can see Littlefinger "accidentally" passing Sansa a death warrant to sign.

    As to Brienne, if she had to choose between the Stark sisters she'd probably commit suicide, jmo


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