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  1. I worked for Prince Alwaleed in Riyadh I learned on my first week what great father was Prince to his son and daughter a man with integrity worked seven days a week and would sleep only four hrs every day his life beside his kids was his work he made his wealth from investment never took one cent from oil money.i even heard him telling his staff to pay all utility's bills as he wants no favour from govt.Every day he broke bread with hindered of saudies and gave them thousand of riyals to help poor people. I learned that the reason he was rewarded so much wealth was due to fact that he gave lot to his own people.He was not even involve in any govt projects. One time I was parking my car and met a Saudi policeman who told me that his house got burned and if I can take his papers to Prince.even though it was not my job but I took his papers to His Higness surprisingly next day this person revived one million Riyals to buy new house. So when I heard new that Prince was arrested for emblazon money I was shocked and was wondering who in royal family is on Meth. I am sad to see an innocent man had been accused King Salman should react accordingly it is not time for power struggle. The power is with in people of Saudi Arabia Please don't divide at time when entire Middle East is in shambles .The royal family is custodian of two holy Mosques show the world united Saudi Arabia not divided hope I made sense for all of you.May Allah help you all to see light and wisdom

  2. what western focused ? the are the jewish/british banks who control the world and then there are western nations… like i think you are confusing two … either ur media does not allow you to look at things as they or you are extremly well educated on gepolotics … not to mention you dont even know the capital of the s.a.

  3. هههه مقاطعك في ذم السعودية ذكرني بالاعلام الاخونجي 😂😂 أخواني بنكهة أمريكية 😂😂😂😂

  4. The most important news is the capture of Walid Ibrahim is the largest television network in the Arab world
    Controls one-third of the advertising market in the Arab world
    Which produces the most important Arabic entertainment programs such as
    Arab ideal
    The voice
    Arab get talent

  5. Julian Assange, proved Hillary Corruption is like Bears and Honey, you can’t separate the two.
    eMails proved Saudi Arabia paid Clinton Foundation up to $5million In 2014, will she be caught in the net of the Saudi Corruption sweep. She can’t keep 11 Saudi Princes quiet, she doesn’t have enough money left to buy them off.

  6. dude i'm a lebanese and I know the government is way fucked up than before. we kinda all agreed on hariri, not everyone liked him, but we agreed that he as a sunni is the best for that sunni chair. But now the government is fuuuuuuuuucked, bro lebanon is a joke.

  7. Islami Is not a Religion of Peace anymore. There is something wrong going on!!
    I am a Muslim, I want to be Honest and admit that Christianity is a religion of Peace, Love and Mercy for all mankind.
    The word of Islam is peace, but Islam teaching is not create peace but violence and terrorist on the ground. why? Please try to investigate it! You will find the truth.
    Ex Muslim Nabeel Qureshii:
    Why I stop believing Islam is a religion of peace!

    If Muslims still want Islam to be claimed a religion of peace and mercy, Muslim need a reformation of the ancient Islamic laws badly. Otherwise there will be no peace in Islamic countries.

  8. narrative ….KSA falls out with Qatar >> accuses Qatar of terrorism > KSA makes moves to become a modern moderate Kindgom > KSA is a good country in eyes of the West …it is on the right path > KSA makes further moves against terrorism in Qatar? …against Iran? > the West can't let this good country striving for modernity face these challenges alone > KSA gets popular support [military support] for future adventures ?

  9. I love these nut jobs and how they create these channels, they come off as there some kind of expert. hahah give me a break. King Salman of Saudi Arabia killed his own son in 2008, and then leveled the hotel to cover up the deed. In 2016 there was one of the biggest round up in Saudi history of people suspected of sedition, these idiots did say word about that. Now that they rounded up some Saudi Princes and its a huge shock, Ho plz your only 3 or for years late reporting this, so folk put on your tin foil hat because channels like this and others don't know what they are talking about.


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