Ryan Saga Part ONE:
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More Funny Moments With VRChat!

1. Become Hatsune Miku In VR:

2. Proposing To An Anime Girl:

3. Become An Anime Girl:

Game Played And Download Link!
Title: VRChat

HTC Vive:

What Is TheSicNation?
This is a virtual reality channel that follows KSic and his community, The Sic Nation, on their journey to take over VRChat… together! JOIN US!

KSic ►



  1. I just wanted to say I just stumbled across you yesterday and have already watched all your videos lol your great man! I honestly wish I had VR just so I could play in this VR chat it looks so dope

  2. This what I see out of the Training … 😒 sadly to tell you SFN and Snake Legion have seperated to there ways but you can still joing the Silver Fox Navy if you want to still Work for us Lucario is all way open when he's around. ~


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