For those of us that had never read the books the show is based on, we didn’t quite understand how things worked within the A Song of Ice and Fire universe. Most fans of Game of Thrones quickly learned their lesson with Ned Stark, who was thought by many to be the “main character” of the series until we seen him get his dome lopped off toward the end of the first season.

While almost no character has been safe through the show’s run (one could argue, Jon, Tyrion, and Daenerys were pretty safe), the upcoming eighth and final season takes the safety net for all characters off the table. Now, scientists have made a breakdown of the what type of characters and how characters were killed on the show.

Author of the study, Reidar Lystad:

“The risk of death is high among characters in Game of Thrones. By the end of the seventh season, more than half of the characters had died – 186 out of the 330 characters we included in this study – with violent deaths being the most common by far.”

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While the didn’t name specific characters, they did name the types of characters with factors being including gender and social status. Below you can check out a graph of the findings.

As I said above, in the final season of any show, even beloved characters have the potential to be killed off, on Game of Thrones, that idea is going to be amplified beyond belief.

Name two characters you feel will be left standing when it’s all over in Westeros in the comments down below!

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Source: Injury Epidemiology



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