Thank you all for your support. Read our parent company Defyā€™s message here:



  1. This is a tough situation….Things that race through my mind and probably a lot of other people's minds is……How do we truly know that these 4 men around that table aren't doing the same thing… It's not fair to think that way I know , but I think the only way Screen Junkies can move foward is to 100% dissolve the Screen Junkies channel , and start a fresh with a new name and new look… This guy was the creator of Screen Junkies so I can't understand why employees would want to work under the same banner….

  2. This might be the first time i'm commenting on a Screen Junkies video that is not an Honest Trailer!

    First off, you guys rock ! You're the reason many people i know, including myself, log on to YouTube everyday. And for guys like me who do not have many like-minded friends to talk to about movies and stuff, your shows are gold.

    So please dont be daunted by just one controversy. Screen Junkies is bigger than that. It is as much a part of Hollywood as all the big production houses. The movie space would be incomplete without you guys. Come back stronger, better and keep going!! Like Spencer said, you can stop only with the entropic decay of the universe šŸ˜€

    Please ! We, the fans, need you !!!

  3. This isnt just a hollywood. Its an issue in the military too. Im getting out next year because my complete disgust with the protective system that protects E7s from sexual assault and harassment accusations. They are actively protected and "moved" just like when priests when they get caught touching kids. Its more aggravating that ranks below e7 have to sit through endless powerpoints about what sexual harassment and its drilled into us day in and day out and then the e7s dont even show up to the training. The only good that came out of it this is im going to get out and hopefully work for inspector general as a civilian and fry anyone who slipped through the cracks and anyone who actively protects predators.

  4. What an amazing and powerful video. You guys truly have kept your dignity. Itā€™s also important that you have said all that you have said, in particular about how people should be able to come forward and also about what actions are being taken. I salute all of you and look forward to business as usual.

  5. I missed you guys…Iā€™m so sorry for whatā€™s happened in your family there, but thank you for coming back. I know youā€™re all strong and together we can form a stronger and move compassionate community šŸ¤™šŸ¼

  6. Sorry to hear this happened, especially to the women in question. This was a touching video and you guys have a right to need some time, but Hal's right that you need to have fun again. You'll get there, hopefully very soon, and most of us will still be watching. After all, this is one of the very best channels on YouTube. One positive that's come out of this is seeing that Roth Cornet works for Screen Junkies. I didn't know that! She was great on the Keeping It Reel podcast on IGN. I hope you guys get her on camera on some kind of regular basis when things get fun again.

  7. I'm so happy to see you guys again! I'm glad that you're taking positive steps going forward into the future. Take all the time you need to figure things out, I'll always be a Screen Junkies fan.

  8. I've watched Honest Trailers off and on for years but only this last week have I started actually getting into your channel. I've watched almost nothing but Movie Fights for the last week and a half and when I saw a post about all of this I was blown away. I hope you guys are doing well, I can't wait to see what comes out of a stronger, healthier Screen Junkies community, and I hope Movie Fights keep going. Best of luck you guys.

  9. We have missed you guys! You guys did the right thing and made a very appropriately toned episode. This goes to show that you really do care about staying close to fans by keeping us up to date on a terrible situation!! I hope you all land on your feet and make your way through this hard time while finding your way back into some sort of swing of things.

    If its not too soon, I have my resume ready for you guys to become the next judge for Movie Fights!!!

  10. It's a shame that this had to happen for Andy Signore to be gone. But…I'm so glad he's finally out, because he was obnoxious as hell.

    He was an arrogant pr*ck. And that showed in every single video he was on.
    That's the reason I wasn't shocked when the news about him got out. So it's kinda baffling to me that no one at Screen Junkies and/or Defy never knew this sort of thing was happening. C'mon, you can't say the guy was "cool" or anything. It shows in every video of him that he has a seriously disturbing superiority complex and I can't believe he shows that on a video and not IRL.

    But…I'm willing to give you guys the benefit of the doubt about this whole thing. So as long as you keep doing good content I'm not going anywhere. šŸ˜‰

  11. Keep ignoring the pedophila problem in Hollywood . There isn't just a problem with women being harassed there are children of both sexes being molested as well. Hollywood needs a shake down.

  12. I've been watching every single episode on SJ Channel from the first MovieFights.Ā 
    I've been actually sexual assaulted once in my life (not by some text messages or words).Ā 

    I feel so sorry for Andy's family.Ā 
    I'm holding over my judgment but I have trouble believing in this, he may be being accused too fast of a serious crime he didn't commit. As I understand there is no other evidence other than accusations. Those screenshots are ridiculous and could be made by any kid in Photoshop. That kind of described behavior on such long-term basis seems to me next to impossible to keep under wraps for those who've been working day to day together and called him "friend" for years. So maybe some of you have known about his inappropriate behavior and closed your eyes, or maybe you just have to read whatever DefyMedia wants you to read from those pieces of paper for the sake of not getting things worse and of protecting your careers, as you should.
    It is just important to remember: abstention from an immediateĀ condemnationĀ and true forgiveness are the keys from this situation. Because of things like this false (as it seems to me) accusation de-legitimizes actual victims of sexual assault.

    I LOVE you guys and I hope you will handle all of this.


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