Got permission from Wumpscut to use their song titled “Totmacher” to do a remix. It’s a very dark song, but it works with what the Night King represents.
The Original video, with the airbrush painting, can be seen here:

LoreCraft Facebook page:

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and of course, Patreon

Track: “Totmacher”, by Wumpscut (used with permission).
Check out more of their music! Website here:

Affiliate Link for the paints I use (Vallejo):



  1. Yet again amazing work! I might try this! I got inspired by you now! I'M GOING TO GO MAKE MY OWN TGINGS LIKE YOU! lol no but seriously your amazing when you hit 1 million subs remember me XD

  2. That's awesome of Wumpscut to give you permission, it worked well. And the Autumn theme sounds awesome. God of Pumpkin Spice, Lord of the Netherseasons? Just kidding! Can't wait to see what you come up with!


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