After the HBO production partner, Startling Inc. removed Game of Thrones prequel titles from their website; fans wondered if the projects had been axed. The live-action projects removed from the website included Sea Snake or The Nine Voyages and Ten Thousand Ships. In a virtual event with David Anthony Durham, author George R.R. Martin revealed that Sea Snake is still in development.


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The Corlys Velaryon spinoff show will follow him on his nine Great Voyages aboard his vessel, Sea Snake. Corlys designed and built the ship himself and later received that nickname. He dared to go to lands no Westerosi vessels had gone to before. His voyages to Yi Ti and Leng helped double the wealth of House Velaryon in a single trip. Corlys’ voyages built wealth, leading to his house becoming the wealthiest of the Seven Realms of that period.

If this spinoff finally makes it on air, it will give us more than a glimpse of lands we have never seen before. He is the first Westerosi ever to reach the mysterious shadowlands of Asshai. Thus, Corlys came to be known as the most excellent seafarer in Westeros.

Would you like a Corlys Velaryon spinoff, or is there another Game of Thrones spinoff you hope to see? Let us know on our discord server.

Read Next: House of The Dragon Episode 1 teases the storyline of another Game of Thrones spinoff.



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