Game of Thrones has been a milestone in the history of television in more ways than one. Not only did the show drive television to a point where the production quality is as good as films, but it has also been at the forefront of driving female characters into the lead actor limelight. One such character was Brienne of Tarth, played by Gwendoline Christie, who has even bagged herself an Emmy nomination. In a recent interview, she discussed her character, the nomination, and more. Read on!

PEOPLE did an Emmy feature on the actress, and we got some interview bits from it.

Starting off, she discussed her character, and how it changed things for her:

“George R.R. Martin created a really phenomenal female character, the like of which we are not really used to seeing on television. I love that she has so much unabashed physical strength, but we also see the complexity of her struggle with her physical self and how she fits into a man’s world.

I have been really encouraged by the response from women to that warrior. A woman who is a warrior but who also has a very deep sensitivity, a very strong moral sense and a deeply rich emotional world which she struggles to hide. I hope what it means is that we see more three-dimensional female characters, and I hope this signals the end of female parts that are merely the girlfriend and mother.”

Gwen also discussed Brienne’s first sexual experience, which happened in Season 8, with Jaime Lannister:

I love that Brienne elects to have this romantic moment with Jaime Lannister and that it’s her choice to have that. And, ultimately, what was my favorite point was that she gets the promotion that she’s always wanted. She is Lord Commander of the king’s guard. And how it ends is not about her relationship with a man, but about her fulfilling her destiny and her work. And that’s delighted me. That the woman goes back to work!”

She then discussed submitting herself for Emmy consideration after HBO left her out of their roster, and why she did it:

“I just really wanted the possibility of the opportunity. I wanted the possibility of that opportunity because of everything I believe the character Brienne of Tarth represents: a woman outside of the patriarchy. Of course, she is abused due to the way that she looks, because she’s not deemed conventionally attractive. She overcomes that and she remains her own person.

Just because of what I feel that represents in television, I really wanted the possibility of the opportunity as a testament to the character,” she continues. “And also, I worked really hard. So I checked it wasn’t an inappropriate thing to do, I was told it wasn’t — people do it all the time.”

She apparently didn’t expect to be nominated at all:

“I don’t think anyone on earth thought it would happen. And it has and it’s genuinely one of the best things that’s happened to me in my life.”

Well, let’s hope she wins the Emmy! What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!



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