When an actor plays a role, they base their performance on a real-life character. Game of Thrones’ Sean Bean is portraying a villainous character, Wilford, on the show Snowpiercer. There were a lot of real-life personas he took inspiration from. But he revealed his easiest target- Former US President Donald Trump. In an interview with The New York Times, he talked about how he blended into his villainous character.

Sean said, “He’s [Trump] an easy target. [Laughs.] If I’m honest, I used to enjoy watching Donald Trump. I found him highly entertaining and rather funny. I didn’t trust him. I didn’t like much of his policies, or what he believed in. But he talked like a regular guy and that kind of brought you in. He also could just dismiss someone very quickly and start laughing about it. I couldn’t help but notice that and apply a little of that attitude in Wilford.”

Sean Bean reveals how Donald Trump Influenced his character in The Snowpiercer

He continued, “Trump liked to use the rhetoric and the platitudes that a lot of American presidents use, including Joe Biden: “We’re all in this fight together” or “Loyalty is rewarded.” It sounds a little more sinister coming from Wilford, but it’s the same kind of message — it sounds grand, but it doesn’t actually mean anything. Wilford’s a good orator. He likes the sound of his own voice, and he likes dressing up to address an audience. That’s why he’s successful — he’s attractive, charming and witty. But that just masks the savagery, barbarism and cruelty.”

Recently Charles Dance talked about channelling Trump for his character in Mank. What do you think of Sean’s portrayal of Wilford? Talk to us in the comments below!



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