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  1. Maybe this was a rough draft of plot lines before filming. somethings are inaccurate but there are a lot of things that are trending to this way. mystery visitor is probably theon and his sister and all their boats they just took.

  2. I would see this is ture maybe not but if so that this is ture this means new characters will show up in the following years ahead even know you do not like it we have to face it as a old friend of my said killing that much people means that there story had ended and new ones began I know for sure that this season 6 will be awesome lol have a awesome day lol ☺️☺️☺️☺️✌️✌✌✌☺️☺️☺️✌✌🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  3. I REALLY hope Dany doesn't just go back to Meereen and resume business as usual. Seems like, for the sake of her story arc, Meereen has served its purpose. She freed the slaves. They loved her. They called her "mother" and worshiped the ground she walked on. Then she made a single misstep and it all went to shit. Even though they were completely crazy about her, all it took was one bad decision to ruin it all and turn their love into vehement hate.

    Then she back-peddled, reopened the fighting pits. And we saw Jorah and Tyrion get tossed a coin so they weren't TECHNICALLY slaves (as they were kidnapped, bought, sold and pulled around by chains), and we realize she never really ended slavery at all. She just made the slavers alter their habits a bit.

    Plus… we've seen Dany in her throne room, struggling with political and legal decisions. It was getting a bit tedious before. But returning to it would be beyond tedious. It would feel like the story was moving backwards. There are no more lessons to learn in Meereen. Time for her to pack up the dragons and get back on track. Start affecting the continent that the audience actually gives a shit about. Or at least start heading in that general direction again.

  4. it occurred to me not even 1/4 of the way through your commentary that it sounded eerily as if you were reading directly off of shall we say "literally leaked" script of the upcoming Season 6 of the HBO series Game of Thrones….you never mentioned at least not that I heard where you obtained the subject matter you were dialoging on…..is that perhaps because you didn't want to "out" the source who revealed the script to you??? just curious. because seriously sister it seems like you just read & broadly leaked the entire upcoming Season of GOT!

  5. I think this is real. everything fits and I think this is why everyone from George on down is losing their shit to one degree or another over book/season 6, precisely because we are finally gonna get so many payoffs and start to see the end of the series moving slowly but steadily into view. A lot of this just rings true to me, it all fits in neatly with the stuff we have gleaned so far, Jamie leading the Tyrell soldiers for example, and I've recently heard it said that it's been confirmed that The Hound will return, and that also this priest/Septon Meribald will be a part of this storyline. It comes as a surprise about Hodor, didn't see that coming at all. Hodor didn't show distress when Robert visited Winterfell, but perhaps the brain damage prevents him from keeping track of the passage of time quite the same way, inasmuch as he would likely not take into account how Robert has aged in the intervening years. Likewise, I think it unlikely that the word Hodor has any specific underlying meaning, I think it more likely that this is just a symptom of his brain damage although I admit we must give consideration as to why this reveal is being shown, and it seems to me the implication is that we are not done with Hodor, that we are being told this sinister story of his past because it will help us to understand the larger back story somehow. I always thought that Hodor was there as a man without wits, and thus a receptacle for Brans' spirit when he needs to use Hodors muscles in a way the big man cannot do himself. I always remember the passage where Bran says to Maester Luwin that he thinks perhaps he and Hodor could be a Knight together. Maester Luwin said he thought it unlikely because a knight must be at one with their whole body so that every part responds to their thoughts, their instincts etc. This conversation was basically an advert screaming that Bran is going to control Hodors body with his warging capability. And so I naturally thought Hodors simple mindedness was a necessary plot point to give Bran someone he could warg into without us, or him, feeling too bad about the blatant case of body snatching 🙂

  6. OK, I like about half of this. The other half I hate. All of the stuff about Dany, I really don't give a shit about. I stopped caring about her storyline at about the time she conquered Yunkai and then I COMPLETELY lost interest when she locked up her dragons.

    I like the idea of Jon killing Alliser, and I LOVE the idea of his resurrection involving the burning of Olly. I don't like Sansa being declared Queen in the North. My own personal theory of what will happen is that Jon Snow will be legitimized by… Someone. And he'll be King in the North as Jon motherfucking Stark.

    Also, fuck the Hodor part. I really hope that one isn't true. Along with the deaths of Tormund and Edd.

    Also, evidence to support this all being a load of crap is that it says nothing about Ramsay burning anybody, yet it has been confirmed that Ramsay will burn two long-standing characters at the stake to demoralize the Stark army. My guess for that is Roose and Walda, though I guess she doesn't really count as long-standing.

  7. Judging by some of the pictures and leaks coming out these days. I think that these are actually gonna be pretty accurate and I think most of them are gonna come true

  8. IDK some of this has the ring of truth to it and appears like the directions for the show make sense. A late intro. of Lady Stoneheart seems like something they would do to surprise everyone. The Umbers being the rally point for the North and where Rickon has been hidden away makes sense. Some of the stuff in Kings Landing is logical with Gendry showing back up and Cersei losing her ever loving mind. Daahrio betraying Daenery's is another shocking betrayal that makes sense and plays along with the way HBO has been conducting the show from the start. Some things don't make sense. Ollie being sacrificed to raise Jon I don't see that happening. Davos would gut her before he let her do something like that again in his presence. Ollie's blood is nothing special anyway.The flash back with Robert hitting Hodor doesn't make sense either. I know we are supposed to find out what Briennes and Hodors back story's are through a flashback most likely.

  9. Roose isn't sure if Ramsey killed his half-brother, the LEGITIMATE Bolton heir. So Roose told Ramsey that fat Walda is pregnant, and it looks to be a boy. Why? You wouldn't put that scene at dinner in for no reason… it is a TEST to see if Ramsey will try to kill Mama, fetus or both. And he WILL try, which tells Roose what happened with his real son. It does seem like Ramsey should die from a skin condition — or lack of skin – but you can't ALWAYS get what you want.


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