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  1. You are awesome man.I can't help but admire the hard work you are putting in these videos and how meaningful these theories of yours actually are.I also respect the english level you've achieved for a man who is not a native english speaker very much.One of the best game of thrones linked channels without a question.

  2. I just had a thought. It would be really cool if either in the show or books if Bran let in known somehow that Jamie saved King's Landing from wildfire immolation when he killed Aerys aka The Mad King. But will keep it secret he pushed Bran out the window. But will bring it up that he know or something. I think in the books if anything Brenne will tell everyone but it would be a nice twist. In the books they a really pushing the Jamie is really deep down a good person who just loves his family TOO much in more than a couple ways. ^_^ Oh, and my other guess is that Bronn will die helping Jamie to kill Euron somehow. Because Jamie leaves the Capitol alone.

  3. i think a cameo of Conor Mcgregor especially,will ruin any chance of me at least, bothering with the rest of the series? why does he have to show his face in this? we see enough of him n his ego ! Ed Sheeran's cameo was creepy in a way,quite awkward n in no way necessary,pointless,there is way to many good characters in this already, so why spoil it with unnecessary cameos that are so out of place ?,i guarantee i'm not the only one who will agree that it's WRONG n sadly embarrassing ? just because there is footage of him sparring with the mountain,doesn't mean he should be "granted" a part in this? or maybe i'm being to hard ?

  4. I'd like to see Cersei be turned into the Night Queen by the Night King holding her by the throat. I'd rather see that than Jaime kill her. Although Jaime could mortally wound her with the Night King turning her into a queen wight immediately after her death.

  5. With all respect, you need to change the voice, I dont know if this is your real voice or a generated one but it is really buzzy and hard to hear. May be having a better mic to record if it is your real voice. The content is nice though.

  6. The Manny faced God Is about the coolest and extremely most important. Could you just imagine being able to do it. I hope Aryia kills her and makes her suffer the queen Circe I am speaking of.

  7. anyone think that the sunspear lady kissing yara scene she is poisinin yara so they dont get torchered by cersi when they get captured maybe its the kiss of death like princess marcella but to escape torment

  8. I can't see them killing off Cersie before the final season. If her, Little Finger and Euron go then that doesn't leave many villains for the final season. There is the nights king … but so far he has been a pretty one dimensional character. In fact he is more a plot device than a character.

  9. it will be interesting in the final battle against the white walkers for all houses will be represented, Dany (Targaryen) Tyrion (Lannister), Jon Snow (Stark/Targaryen), and Gendry ( Baratheon), Varys (Blackfire)

  10. I would love for Randall Tarly to change his opinion on Sam when he finds out he actually killed a wight… i think it would be awesome and he wood be useful to humanity. they need some 3d maneuver gear too…

  11. If part of this theory is confirmed based on the leaked plot, how can we know if the leaked plot is confirmed? Anyway, hope most of this comes true this season, it'd make everything worth the wait.


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