More leaks, more breakdowns. Check out the video where I discuss the most recent leaks and figure out what is likely to happen given all the evidence. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.



  1. The game of thrones logo is a dragon with three heads( wolf, lion, stag). I believe that is truth in front of our face whole time. That's what it will take to end long night 2.0 or possibly the long night original being last hero, azor ahai, demon monkey with tail, etc

  2. I know it isn't about the video but could it be, Just a little theory, that when Jon Snow and every one else find out that he's the son of Reagar Targaryen that they put Jon in the Iron throne? then you could speculate that when daenarys realises that she will go mad like her father; then there are 2 ways this could end, somebody with a lot of influence over her like tyrion 'saves' her from going totally mad and Just in time shows up with her dragons to save every one from the night King, the other way could be that she will go mad and yeah well fucks every one with her dragons.
    Does this theory already exists my bad.

  3. about sir Jorah you all forgot the fact that princess Shireen had the same disease and she'd been cured by grand maesters, why Jorah can't find the same treatment and get back to Dany? i guess it ain't gonna happen though !!!

  4. The Euron story seems like awkward distraction, since in the series, they made him a cartoonish clown. "My big cock" "Let's murder them". "Build me a gazillion ships"' etc. Just dump him ASAP!!

  5. I'm at work so had to be quick, sorry if this has already been brought up.
    The budget for Game of Thrones has gradually gotten bigger. $6million/episode at first and $10million/episode for season 6 (that was mostly for the epic battle though.)
    Even if they stayed at $100million a season, that will put each episode at just over $14million since theres only 7 episodes this season and almost $17million each for season 8 which only has 6 episodes.

    My point being, I think they are going to give us a great show without holding anything back. It was already near movie quality, so I'm expecting something great.


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