Please watch: “Amazing Facts about The Big Bang Theory”
“Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From whattasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.”
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What song did you use for the beginning?
Game of Thrones 7×6 >> (Leaked, no fake)
Game of Thrones 7×5 >> (NO FAKE)
Some of the scenes here of Jon are from the movie Pompeii
Que video de mierda, editan para el culo!!
Good video thanks, very entertaining!
what a season film .fantastic
Anybody catch it? How did Dany know about children of the forest? Few people knows them.? Dany's overdoing believing in Jon was a little bit artificial! She should have asked who the hell are children of forest!
soooo… do they shag?
ok I am bite how did you the picture of Dany on the floor? (is that someone else and photoshop it?)
Clips from the movie pompeii was here wtf
Interstelar Song!
LAWLZZZZZ Well done. Hilarious. Good job.
OMG! Genioss!!
i like the video personally but the audio malfunction is …… crazzy
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Sorry for the audio
Well i hope in this season they boht will be making love.

edit: like if you agree..