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  1. You make really interesting theories. You should be a writer. Very interesting and more convincing than other stuff I read on the Internet. You made me think about whole theory and to be honest, your seems the best. Thanks!

  2. 5:28 Could be that Tormund locks them up (The Brotherhood Without Banners) after realizing that Thoros is a red priest? Since Melisandre is the reason why Mance was burned at the stake (not that he wouldn't have been executed in some other manner, but still, being burned alive is a bad way to go, as he himself has stated minutes before, while talking to Jon).

    EDIT: Sansa will have another reason to set them free: The Hound will most likely tell her about Arya. Sansa already knows from Brienne that Arya travelled with a man. She told her that when they met in the tavern for the first time. Basically, The Hound saved both of the Stark girls' lives, without either of them knowing it for some time (Arya found out, and now it's Sansa's turn).

  3. and if the rumor about Lady Olenna killing herself with poison?

    i'll officially give up on the show, that is the dumbest end of a character ever, especially after she swore vengeance. . . i'll be more let down than the dorne story plot, if the Queen of Thorns does suicide….

    unless her suicide via poison, makes her explode in a cloud of poison and kill jaime/important people, then MAYBE i'll be okay, but we know that wont happen

  4. good stuff, but I'm not buying into the wight capture caper until I see it, which should be pretty exciting with all those characters involved. Don't you think Beric will end up dying when he's finished the mission he was sent on? I think he'll be the one to kill Gregor Clegane and bring him to the true king's (the King of Winter) justice as ordered by Ned

  5. I have an idea on the 'why' of Tormund throwing the BWB into a cell. It is of course only a possibility but it makes sense. Brienne is also heading North and if she meets Tormund in company with the BWB OR if they have already returned to Winterfell and Brienne arrives to find The Hound there, THAT could be the moment Sansa etc learn that The Hound was last seen in company with Arya. Obviously they will ask him where Arya is and the hound being The Hound will probably say something like 'Fuck knows, little bitch could be dead for all I care' and so Tormund will lock them up until Sansa decides what to do as she will have Brienne screaming that he is not to be trusted. It could be Arya's return to Wintefell that gets them set free. I say this as we don't know which episode they are thrown into cells, but we do know that the journey north of the wall is in one of the last episodes.

  6. hey 🙂 could be jon and company will not travel by the sea at least to the wall, could be they just travel from island of dragonstone to mainland westeros and continue travel by the land since traveling with small boat through the ocean its not likely a good idea. thats just my opinion pls answer if im wrong 🙂


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