Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 7 update video! Recently HBO released a behind the scenes look at their Costume Designer. In the video they featured a number of her costume designs while also showing several scenes that were in the process of being filmed. One of these scenes with Cersei Lannister revealed a massive spoiler and plot point for next season. Find out HERE! Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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  1. Want to say a big THANK YOU to you for your vids! I think you have a great insight to the subject of your vids, You have become my go to channel for all the info of season 7.I do want to ask,  it seems Cersei story line is toned down? we seem to be getting hints on the other characters but not much on what the new Queen might be up to.

  2. i have watched many of your vids. i have seen a video that has it all broken down on how this all ends. If many of the spoilers have been confirmed.
    Time travel, jamie name in the book and how little hes done. Bran is Bran the builder. he sacrifices himself and stays in the past to make todays victory possible. Cersei has a Dragon killing weapon bu4 it will get destroyed by drogon. John will have to embrace his Targarian side. His Dire wolf will die for this to happen. The mad king is bran fumbling his powers. he is trying to speak.

  3. they should keep Ellaria alive, kill every sand snake but don't kill Ellaria
    Killing Ellaria doesn't magically make Dorne vanish like magic
    It's still one of the most powerful nations even if Season 5 horribly screwed them up

    I think Cersei can and should kill Ellarias daughter infront of her but keep Ellaria alive
    Killing her would just force a new Dorne person to rise up and take over and we don't have time for another Dorne person with only two seasons left

    Either keep her alive or force her to serve Cersei
    If Cersei just killed off Ellaria she would be like Joffrey and ignoring the cruelty it would be a tremendously stupid move on her part
    Cersei is smarter than that

    She can kill off every sand snake and it would have no effect on anyone or anything except Ellaria
    Killing off Ellaria makes no sense and just makes Dorne even stronger

    The smartest thing Cersei can do is force Ellaria out of the war and force Ellaria to serve her rather than Cersei just killing more and more of her family, that way she's not a martyr and Dorne can't just stomp all over Cersei

    If Ellaria was killed I'd question why Dorne hasn't just wiped out Kings Landing when they have the armies to do so and Cersei doesn't have the armies to defend herself
    (She only has one army confirmed to be fighting in High Garden against the Tyrells)

  4. Its going to end with a battle at castle black, all will seem lost the aragorn will rub in with Mjolnir and Legolas with a deadric bow of burning and the will save Jon Snow. Luke skywalker and Judge dredd will emerge from behing the Night kings armys and start beating them up from the rear. In the closing moments the Night king will make his final stand on the wall with the others and then Batman will swoop in, take out the last of his army while Chuck Norris RKO's the Night King and is declaired Azor Ahai. 100% garanteed.

  5. Own theory: Maybe she won't kill Elaria/Alaria. She will kill her daughters. To show her and make her feel the pain she felt when she killed her daughter. Much more cruel

  6. I cant tell you enough how angry I am with the way Ellaria and the Sand Snakes are portrayed in the series. The Sand Snakes are some of my favorite characters from the book. They are very different from one another, but they all love each other. When I heard that they were finally going to appear in the TV series, I was really excited…until I saw the actress playing Tyene with knives.

    The show had destroyed these characters. Ellaria is a irrational bitch and the Sand Snakes are petty brats. They killed Myrcella, Aero, Trystane AND Doran for stupid and selfish reasons. I really dislike Cersei, but I can't wait for her to unleash the Mountain on them.

  7. your ability to make a 4 minute video over less than 1 second of footage boggles me. I'm sick of you always crowding my feed up with these conspiracy videos. please stop


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