Season 7 has only just finished, but the amount of plot threads left hanging by episode 7 means that we already know lots about what will happen in the first half of next season. These are my initial thoughts on what will happen.

This video contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Seasons 1-7 and lots of random theories about season 8.

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  1. The Golden Company arrives in Westeros ready to fight for Cersei and led by…Dario Naharis. The Company switches sides and joins Dany instead.

    Clegane Bowl takes place with the Hound emerging victorious by burning the Mountain to death.

    Jamie hangs out up north for bit, but finds his way back to Kings Landing, where he will ultimately kill a not pregnant and Mountain-less Cersei. He will then attempt to kill himself, but be saved by Brienne.

    Theon dies killing Euron' and saving Yara.

    Jorah dies saving Dany from…something. Anything really.

    Dany, now pregnant, marries Jon. Visions and prophecies ensue, and Jon kills Dany (but not before she gives birth), thus becoming Azor Ahai reborn and bringing about Lightbringer, which is how it was forged initially. He uses Lightbringer to kill the Night King and thereby destroying the army of the dead. Jon dies from this battle. Mellissandre will try to resurrect him against his wishes a d be killed by Davos.

    Tryion, Varys, and a few others form a ruling council and sow the seeds of government and democracy while keeping the identity of Jon and Dany's baby a secret, thus ending any heirs with "claims" to the throne. (which itself is melted down and destroyed so that ultimately, no one sits in it)

    Just some guesses. They could just troll us all, and just as our heroes combined armies are about to meet the Dead army, that comet comes crashing down and just kills everything. The End.

  2. I believe somehow or another, Jon and Dany will marry.
    I don't think he will stake a claim to the Iron Throne. I don't see much evidence that he is known to many people south of the Twins. I don't believe people would turn out to fight for someone they hardly know – whether or not he does become a hero. He has no interest in southern politics and therefore, may have little understanding of the struggles of the southern people. There is also the question of whether he will be able to sufficiently prove his birthright to the people to gain their support.

    GRRM has used a lot of historical parallels to convey the series' narratives and much has been said of Daenerys' similarities to King Henry Tudor (Henry VII). Like Daenerys, he spent his life in poverty and exile as the last surviving member of his house.
    And like her, he accumulated support from the disillusioned nobles of the tyrannical Richard III and launched an invasion, which culminated in the Battle of Bosworth where he rode into the battle and defeated Richard using the Welsh sigil of the red dragon.
    Maybe Dany and Cersei will eventually meet on the battlefield (Trident 2.0?).
    Significantly, we know that Henry VII made a love and a political match with Elizabeth of York – who arguably had a better claim to the throne than he, but whose legitimacy was tainted by the accusation of bastardy.
    Maybe, this could symbolise the future of Jon and Dany's relationship.

    I agree that the Northern lords, Sansa – and perhaps, even Arya – will be initially unhappy about Jon surrendering to Daenerys. But, these concerns might be overlooked by the immediate White Walker invasion.

    I believe that Theon will rescue Yara and that Euron will die, but at the moment, I am uncertain as to whether his assailant will be Theon or Cersei.
    I can see Euron pressurising Cersei into marriage, and she may eventually take him out to avoid this prospect and take control of the Iron fleet and the Iron Islands to shore up her support.
    I also believe that Cersei will attack Storm's End, Dorne and Highgarden.

    I agree that Jon will ride Rhaegal and believe that the Night's King will eventually arrive in King's Landing with Viserion.

    By the end of the series, I believe that Dany will have the support of the Unsullied, the Dothraki, The Reach, the Wildlings and all the northern armies, and will finally attack King's Landing. I believe we may see Cleganebowl at some point here and that, Cersei will either try to take out the city with wildfire or she will meet Daenerys on the battlefield, with Arya finishing her off.

  3. I agree that the political game that will be played is at Winterfell. I think sometime during season 8 Sansa will become queen in the north (before she becomes THE Queen) but I don't believe she will go behind Jon's back. She may have learned the political game from Cersei and littlefinger but she is not Cersei or littlefinger, which is why she will not just achieve power but will use it wisely and keep it. I think she will confront Jon directly; she will not trust Daenerys or accept her and after she finds out the truth about Jon, she will state her ambition to rule the north clearly and Jon will step down because he is honorable. Sansa will try to convince Jon to take the iron throne and out of his vow to Daenerys as that is in the political interest of the north. This new political reality, more than the incest, will be the cause of the divide between Daenerys and Jon in season 8. I can see a scenario in which Jon, wanting to do the right thing and keep everyone together for the war with the ww, marries Daenerys (who is probably carrying his baby by now as this show runs fast) and accepts reluctantly the idea of becoming King of the seven Kingdoms with Daenerys, only the war with the walkers will change this reality again, as either he or Daenerys (most likely) will not survive and he could find himself too wounded afterwards to sit on the throne (like Frodo at the end of Lord of the Rings leaving middle earth after he has lost so much in the war. I can see Jon in the end leaving the seven kingdoms to live beyond the wall among the wildlings with Bran , parting with Sam and giving him a blank book to write ''a song of ice and fire'' as a gesture to Tolkien). So Jon might be a King from winterfell but only as a war time king for like an episode or two until the war with the ww is over.

  4. There might be a little bit of conflict between Dany and Jon after they find out Jon is a targeryen, but they have been banging none stop on that boat, they will resolve it quickly because Jon doesn't even want the Iron throne. Dany will get knocked up so that gives her 9 months plot armour. Jon is fucked , I can't see him surviving next season , he no longer has a purpose after the night king is dead, the lord of light brought him back to defeat the night king not to live happy ever after with Dany and child.

  5. Winterfell won't fall. Instead, the Battle of Winterfell will reveal the secret of both Winterfell, of the Knight King's origin and (as Kyburn's fascination with reanimation foretells) that man created (and will attempt to create again) armies of the dead.

  6. Why does everyone assume Matt the night King wants to kill Jon. He may go completely towards the South and Cersei may end up with all of the problem remember George RR Martin doesn't write normal Scripts. Therefore you've got to think outside the box it is too straightforward to think that the night King is only after people I think he has a destination a reason and I'm not so sure that it is a bad one. No white Knights and no men in black hats means were all gray some good some bad which if you think about it at least for me it is I have both sides and they fight constantly with each other. Sometimes good wins out and sometimes the bad things out.

  7. From the first season until the last,it has felt like a long night.The big reveal for me will lie in the crypts beneath Winterfell and possibly an ice dragon that Jon may have shown in the wall when he climbed it with Ygritte.

  8. I wonder if Bran will slowly start to get a little more back to normal. There seem to be some sparks of it – or maybe he is just super excited about stealing Jon's name and identity away from him. Either that or the actor was getting annoyed at being forced to act like he's tripping out all the time and couldn't bring himself to keep a blunt expression constantly.
    Anyway, if I could put anything on this S8 wish list, let's get everyone who survives the siege at Winterfell to flee to the Neck and get Howland Reed in that way. I'd love to see some cranogman warfare tactics complete with nets, frog spears and poison arrows and darts.
    As for Cersei, I wonder if Daenerys and Jon will convince the Golden Company to join the cause? With Euron, I half expect him to abandon Cersei when he realises that the Wall has been breached and he'll return to Pike only to be ambushed by Theon and the Ironborn to rescue Yara. He'll probably get killed off mid-season by Theon but I expect Yara will be tongueless, meaning that Theon and Yara will join together along with the other Iron Island families to help in the Great War. Theon will talk, Yara will rule, together they'll be whole despite how beaten and broken they are.
    People have been saying they think Cersei will be the last enemy to take out but… I doubt it. Not sure of the logistics of Cersei's death seeing as everyone likely to kill her will be in the North, Neck or Riverlands at the southernmost.
    Beric, I think he's going to be important in the proxy Night King battle. A part of me suspects that the wight dragon will be taken down at some point, probably with a dragonglass arrow through the eye? Then Beric might use a Valeryan steel sword – IDK, Heartsbane – to try and kill the Night King only to see it won't work and die in the process. So, his whole purpose will be to get Jon and co onto the next stage of trying to figure out why the NK is different and what might kill him. Maybe this'll prompt Sam or Jon to type "What happened during the last Long Night?" into Bran to find out, or maybe it'll involve a trip to the Eye of God to see the Greenmen, maybe prompted by Howl(and) at his Moving Castle. It's hard, though, because they overpowered Bran so much that it seems silly that he hasn't wheeled in and said, "Right, folks. Here's what we do!" So, I'm not sure how they can stretch out time more without having Bran just derping around. Unless he becomes the Cassandra of the show – he tells people what to do but no one believes him because they think he's crazy like the maesters at the Citadel. sigh I wish we had 'Winds of Winter'. :'(

  9. Its too convenient and easy for Jamie to just travel north and fight alongside the north against the dead. I predict that the first time we see him, he'll be a drunk and lonely man drinking himself away in an old tavern. Jamie no longer as anything to fight for. This opens the path for Bronn to find him, slap some sense into him and give him something to fight for.

  10. Always love the videos! Now after watching this a question does pop up. I guess its more endgame and can't wait for the video. Do you think the battle with the Night King is the last battle? It seems like it might be a battle with Cersi after the war with the dead. Thanks!

  11. Nice and reasonable predictions. Not like some bat shit crazy stuff out there.
    I (and most fans) hope we get an explanation of NK's intentions in s8. There has been allot of complaints about s7 rushing stories, plot holes and such. My biggest complain is that NK needing a dragon was never explained. For some reason he needed one and somehow he knew that, even tough there where no dragons in Westeros 8000y ago. Remember Craster's babies and how NK's intentions where showed in a course of few episodes. That's what we needed in s7 and that's what we need from s8. But enough about that.
    What about the Night Watch is s8? We can assume that Tormund and Beric are on their way to Castle Black atop of the wall. About 50 in Castle Black and some more in Shadow Tower are all that remains. I think they'll honor their pledge and find a way to fight alongside the living.

  12. Dear Robert, Game of Thrones has been raped and murdered. What were the Night King's plans to bring death and destruction in Westeros? From the show it's pretty clear that he had no plans, since he wasn't able to pass through the Wall, so anything that happened prior in the whole series never actually mattered and his whole "strategy" relied only on the stupidity of Jon & Co. to bring a dragon beyond the wall. That means that Jon is now responsible for the biggest blunder made by a human in the past 8000 years. The whole narrative is preposterous. Season 7 was atrocious and I'm really not looking forward to season 8.

  13. Hi Robert, Wouldn't it make the most sense for Dany and Jon to marry and seal their alliance and they could rule together? Incest doesn't have the same meaning to the Targaryens who often married inside their immediate family. Also, extended family marital arrangements didn't have the same type of taboo implications that we have in our modern western society. Just look at the British royal family, for instance.

    The other thing is that Jon doesn't really want the iron throne, so he could abdicate it to Dany, but be by her side as Prince consort. This would leave Sansa as Queen of the North.

  14. * the NK will attack those 2 houses that betrayed the starks first.
    * house stark being a well oiled machine: bran on NK watch, sansa stocking up and taking care of her people and arya in charge of the castles defences…that would also be a good way to have her interact with the smith making those defensive weapons. 😉 And arya already told sansa she needed better guards.
    * the hound reunites with both stark girls. I kinda think HIS good heart will get him killed in the end. But will he have 1 happy memory before he does? And I can see a sandor/tormund bromance happening. Tormund already liked sandor and that was before he saved his life. And sandor can help tormund understand brienne.

  15. Just thought of this: bran being three eyed raven and has sense of normal mannerisms ie: reunions with his sisters. Hold that thought. In winterfell the lords are outraged by Jon bending the knee. Bran asks why should the heir bow at all? Announcing jon's leniage in front of all the lords of the north. (Maybe after Sam tells him in secret?) Not saying it will be though. Main question is that within bran's three eyed raven character?

  16. I think Jaime is going to kill the Night King and die shortly afyerwards. At his funeral, people will cheer for their Kingslayer, except instead of mocking him – they will be praising his name.

    Jaime Lannister is Azor Ahai.

  17. Remember Mirri Max Durs prophecy about Khal Drogo and Mountains blow away like leaves. What about the Wall falling? Does that fit into what Mirri Max Durs prophecy??? Maybe that's why Dany's able to get preggers??

  18. I think the battle is going to take place either at Winterfell or the God's Eye. I am not sure where Bran's vision of a dragon flying over KL comes in but I think they don't go farther south than the GE. But I know you agree that Winterfell had many secrets and I think the key to defeating the long night is there or the Isle of Faces or both. Great video as usual! Thank you!

  19. Excellent as always! But will they release the last book before the series ends? Will the show be too Hollywood, not enough complex plots by GRRM? E.g., too much dramatic fight scenes. Littlefinger's death scene was disappointing, to be so easily outwitted. I wanted him to remind Sansa that he saved her life 3 times, and Jon's once, and all Jon's men; in other words, a better death speech showing how complex things are, even if he was a murderous treacherous man.

  20. Even though it may be hard for the bannermen and Sansa to see, the spear attacking the Night King cannot be effective with two heads. Jon can be forgiven I supposed he wasn't exactly at his best when he bent the knee, he also felt guilty about Visaryes and though Dany said she'd fight along side of him now that she saw the undead, she apparently didn't mention when he recovered that he no longer needed to bend a knee to her. Jon also would have taken to heart what Tormond said, that Mance should have bent a knee, his death served no purpose other than get more Free Folk killed that need not have died.. So Jon sacrificed himself yet again for the good of his people… Even if he hadn't bent the knee, do we think the Northerners would agree to follow Dany's commands? So its kind of six of one and half dozen of the other..

    The only one Dany seems to listen to is Jon, it remains to be seen how she will take the news that it is Jon and not herself who is the rightful heir… As to Sansa, yes, she ran the castle well, and she and Arya got Little Finger, but what does she know about leading armies? Jon has already said she should be Lady of Winterfell, if she wants to be queen he won't object to that either.. However those are squabbles for another time, there is more pressing matters… Yes, perhaps a bit threatening to have the Unsullied, the Dorthracki and dragons all ascend on the North at one time, but they are also needed… I doubt that either Dany or Sansa can pull all sides together, it will have to be Jon… I see the war for the dawn getting over and done with rather quickly, huge battle at Winterfell with a massive dragon dogfight in the air…

    Then the real civil war will begin, yes, Jamie will tell them of Cersie's double cross… So after the dawn, I don't see the North participating in the war to take back the Iron Throne, at least not for Dany… Sansa isn't going to order it, Dany is a Targaryian… Will Dany have enough people left to fight Cersie's Golden Company? The three treasons mentioned in the House of the Undying comes into play I think…. "Once for blood.." She isn't the true heir to the Iron Throne as she always thought she was, Jon is… "Once for gold.." The Golden Company is led by her old lover and they work for gold.. "Once for love.." If Dany dies I think it will be at the hands of her former lover, Dario. Jon will have no choice but to take up leadership, because he agrees with Dany about the wheel having to be broken, and it won't happen under Cersie… As Dany saw in her visions in the House of the Undying, it was Rhaegar with Lyanna lying in the bed, the babe was little Jon/Aegon, the Prince that was Promised, the song of ice and fire… He will lead the fight because it is just as important to overthrow Cersie as it was to defeat the Night King.

  21. Didn't Littlefinger say that Jon was named king and couldn't be unnamed? The northern lords seem to now favor Sansa and learning that Jon bent the knee won't help in winning back their favor, but can they just replace him with Sansa? Was littlefinger right when he said that Jon can't be unnamed?


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