Welcome back for my own version of the Game of Thrones Season 8 Plot Outline.. A few different outlines are already out there circulating YouTube and so far none of them appear to be realistic. So I decided to make my own outline and give my ideas and predictions for what I think will have during the Season 8 Premiere.. I’m sure I will get a few things wrong but I think some of this is pretty basic stuff. Jon and Daenerys will arrive at White Harbor.. Bran/Sansa Stark will call all of the Stark Banners to prepare for War. Theon will continue to search for his sister Yara Greyjoy who is still currently Euron Greyjoy’s prisoner.. Jaime Lannister will make his way North to Winterfell. Cersei Lannister will not give birth to a child. Euron Greyjoy will arrive in Essos to retrieve the Golden Company and we may see Melisandre in Volantis.. These are some of the things we should see in the first episode just to kind of set the stage for the final Season.. I’m sure I’ll make some adjustments over the coming months but for now this is a good place to start. Let me know what you think will happen. Thanks for watching!

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  1. I forgot to add something.. As soon as Bran tells everyone what he saw at the Wall.. We should see Sam start looking through all those books and documents he took from the citadel to figure out anything he can do or make them aware of that can help in the great war. They made sure to show us that Sam stole documents from the Citadel. I would guarantee he makes at least one more big discovery.

  2. Liked the video. I believe your predictions are mostly pretty accurate and plausible.

    The only thing I might add is the possibility I saw in another You Tube of the army of undead by passing the northern castles for a more direct approach to the Isle of Faces; as this will be where the great war is fought. The only issue I have with this one though is all the pieces are being set up in the North and not the Riverlands.

    It is hard to say what will take place in season 8; but you made solid choices that stand a good chance of coming true. Great video.

  3. Why would it get Jon killed? He clearly told the northerners that they "need allies, POWERFUL ALLIES"… And in this world what man of status wouldn't want Dany? Even if there wasn't a night King threat, EVERY MAN IN THE 7 KINGDOMS WOULD BE OUT TO MARRY HER. I think Sansa is the one who will have issues with them being together.

  4. Good stuff, and fun to contemplate. Here's something I've been thinking for a long time what I want to see happen.

    Jon comes into the Winterfell gates, and Arya looks on with anticipation of the big hug.
    BUT THEN….The Hound and Brienne flank Jon on his left, and Arya's eyes get really big (in a good way)…
    BUT THEN…Gendry flanks Jon on his right, and now this is just too much joy for Arya to handle.

    So she faints. And Jon and Gendry laugh while the Hound chastises her for still being a "little Nancy".
    The fainting would be a nice contrast to when Sansa fainted at the site of Ned's murder.

    It would make for a great way to start what will otherwise be an emotionally difficult final season.

  5. Very good predictions!  I think the Golden Company will make an appearance in the next season, if not in episode 1.  I believe they will break their contract with Cersei and rally to the Targaryen cause, following along similar to the storyline in the books.  We know that they cast an actor to play Harry Strickland the leader of the Golden Company, so we will definitely see them at somepoint.  Since Jorah alluded to the fact he once fought in the Golden Company when he was first exiled, I think maybe he plays a role in swaying them to Dany and Jon's side.  And of course, Tyrion will always double what anyone else is paying right?

  6. I do think Jamie may conceal himself, but will let Tyrion or Brienne know he is there to help.  I still think Jamie will bring Edmere into the fold and maybe offer his army as a peace offering to Winterell vs hiding.  I do see and hope Yara no matter where she is, will be saved.  Euron will definitely die.  It would be awesome to see Theon and Yara totally team up and kill their uncle Euron!!!

  7. I think Jon and Dany will keep their relationship under wraps until she is pregnant.  However, only then Tyrion and possibly Missandei will know who the father is Jon.  Cersei's miscarriage will definitely be the tears that will drown her!

  8. I just don't know why instead of making longer episodes they didn't just make ten each that explained more and good quality.  Season 7 could've definitely used 10 episodes with all the reunions, etc.  Instead of rushed.

  9. I would love to see the scene when jon and dany reach white harbor and they are greeted with everyone fighting to get on a ship because they got the news the wall has fallen .

  10. I think that it is obvious that Cersei and Jamie are half Targaryen. Cersei is the “mad Queen” and is obsessed with fire. Jamie killed his own father. The incest is another hint of the Targaryen blood in both. My only doubt is about the Valonqar, which can be either Cercei’s child, Jamie or even Dany. I bet on the last.

  11. This is indeed a very long night untill season 8 will be released
    but by watching your videos, this long night will not be that much annoying at all, thanks alot for making so much progress in these predicion videos 🙂

  12. Generally good, this was a very good effort, keep doing it. I think that when Jon is aware of is Targ condition this will be more problematic relationship wise because Dany is his aunt, to the story Jon already found his purpose when beyond the all he had that dialog with Beric I also think that we will see Euron arriving in westeros bring the golden company at the end of the episode, but until now we haven't saw the evil Euron is so I guess they will bring that with Yara being molested by Euron, I also think that that the Targ Jon and Golden company purpose is to justify the GC shift in the plot they will also fight the WW and the dead. In the books the story is completely different and I'm more of a N+A=J fan, it does more sense. Overall I think that you are pretty there.

  13. Season 8 episode 1. The army of the dead has just passed the wall and behind them Berric and Tormund are racing to castle black to have ravens sent to winterfell even though Bran has already seen the destruction the of the wall. Ed sends ravens and decides since the wall has been destroyed they have no choice but to abandon castle black and join up with Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen . Back at winterfell~

  14. I want a Gendry – Arya reunion as well. I think, Gendry might have been gone to WF after the wight-hunt, so we should see him arriving and meeting with Arya again.
    O, and I want a Davos – Jon conversation and a Missandei – Dany conversation about their relationship. Tyrion could go to hell (especially if he had made deal with Cersei betraying Dany, which I think, he did, in the books Quatihe has warned Dany about Tyrion, so something should happen), Davos will support Jon+Dany and I think, Missandei too. She will say something like: he is an honourable and a handsome man, who is woorth for anyone's respect. Or something like that. Davos will tell something about good hearts…


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