Season Seven may be over, but we still have a final analysis to complete. Jokes aside, what happens when each story is looking at individually? We examine Sansa and Arya, Theon and Yara, and Cersei and Jaime is Part 1 of the Full Season Review


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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 7. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest



  1. Considering Arya and Sansa story, I think you're being unfair to Ned's role in their upbringing. I mean, he's definitely being a rather caring father (compared to other high lords like Hoster Tully, Tywin, Doran, Robert etc.). But he's still a high lord with a lot of responsibilities. And the fact that the show forgets about Cat doesn't mean we should – she has a great deal in raising daughters and is, by the way, another conventional feminine character. Moreover, Arya is tought sewing by a sept, who weren't even in Winterfell before Cat. All that makes me think that mother was really more responsible for Arya's sewing lessons than Ned.

    On top of that, Arya is an exellent horse rider, which is not a very ladyish activity (never heard of Sansa doing it well), and is impossible without practice. So, Arya was trained some manly things.
    And yes, Arya gets a fencing trainer just immidiately when establishes her interest in it. And of course, later Ned tells her that she cannot be a knight, because she really can't do that. Just like Brienne, she can be a fighter/swordsman/whatever, but not a knight because of Faith of the seven

    So, evidentely, Ned was only honest to his doughter, patient to his wife, and rather open-minded (again, in the context).

  2. I think Tyrion told Cersei that Dany 'can't' have children and is offering to help make her child heir. Aside from Joffery, Tyrion's always talked about how good Marcylla and Tommen wereand it would be a good way of reconciling the two houses. Of course, Dany will most likely get pregnant and screw the plans up.

  3. The books tried to get away from the cliché of fantasy and the show did everything to get back to the cliché of fantasy, Hell the hero get the princess, you cant do more cliché than that.

  4. Thank you for this. This Season was so disappointing that I'm not even excited about Season 8. The plot holes and changing characters completely to fit the plot over and over was ridiculous.

  5. How are you supposed to feel about Arya? Wrong question. You are supposed to be a good fanboy and buy the figurine. Isn't she "badass" when she keeps doing all these Arya-like things which made her popular?
    The show has no consistent message other than "buy me". Yes, it is also used to carry a lot of the most blatant modern so-called "progressive" themes but it's mostly because that's what its naive audience buys into.

  6. This is for the "Arya and Sansa were faking it" party:

    Arya (checks out corner): Ok, he's there. I'm gonna insult you now. harasses her with being prisoner for years and insults on personal levels on what she had to suffer and was tramautized for

    Sansa: is he still there?

    Arya: Yes, insult me!

    Sansa: Hey, can't we just call him out for spying on us? Or we could just take action, after all he is stupid enough to be in Winterfell with everyone against him… I mean, what good is this pretending…


    Sansa: It doesn't make sense… was quite sure the row was real.

    Arya: Oh, they deleted the scene with Bran saving our asses for mercy.

    Sansa: They should change something else then, this doesn't really…

    Arya: Who cares, Littlefinger dying was almost a trend on twitter

    Sansa: Does this mean Jonerys is a thing?

    Arya: Well, I kinda think their personalities don't… Oh, whatever.

  7. I don't get it. Dragonstone is close to Kings Landing… why give an enemy all the time to prepare defenses against dragons, a force noone is prepared to deal with efficiently, instead of ending the whole conflict quickly to save lives, resources and time? It makes absoloutely no sense. Even bad writing is no excuse for such sloppy strategy.

  8. I think you got it wrong when you mentioned Yara had been far from caring and being abusive towards Theon. Perhaps you didn't watch Season 3 clearly enough, she went on a rescue mission much against her father's orders, and she brought a few men with her to make a break into Dreadfort to rescue Theon, but noticing Theon went into deep frantic Reek mode and no matter how hard she tried to get Theon to run with her, he remained in the cage refusing to leave, and even resorted to biting her as she tried to drag him out at the expense of Ramsay's men intercepting and wound up killing a few Ironborn soldiers along the way. The fact Reek didn't appreciate Yara's act at that moment, Yara was more than exasperated upon fristration that she went through so much trouble yet Theon lacked the 'balls' (pun intended) to even make an effort to follow suit. So dun make Yara to be the bad sister, she's been more than a sister to Theon ever could when no one, not even Balon, even bother or care enough to consider rescuing Theon. What Yara told Theon off in Season 6 is much tough love and whatever he went through, the constant reminder that he's Ironborn and already paid the Iron Price, simply to snap out of self-pity picture and get his shit together… If u know what I mean.

  9. great work on this season. Although I like red team review and think he is a good host for the podcast because Preston can ramble, what really annoys me is when Carmine starts going 'Preston you sound like an sjw,' so he can dismiss any parallel Preston draws to the faults in our own contemporary society or relates something to History. The history one I find especially frustrating because he is constantly saying 'I am History Buff' when the anti-sjw position on History is very much diametrically opposed to any modern post-colonial historiography.

  10. Like most movie critics, this guy is jaded. The Sansa / Arya situation in season 7 is perhaps the worst script in all of GoT, this guy starts with this, basically to turn everyone away from GoT forever, he can go fuck himself.

  11. Preston just my opinion but I think you missed something huge with Jaime leaving cersei behind. If Jaime's character is to grow and become the honourable knight he has arguably always tried to become then his decision to leave cersei cannot be predicated by her actions but by his own. His own characterisation and character growth is arguably a warped construct of trying to achieve a Ned/Stark like level of honour. There are constant reminders to prior to this season of jaime being inferior to better knights and men. He admires barristan and is reminded of Arthur Dayne's story by Joffrey. For any sort of stereotypical Hollywood protagonist he/she must overcome his greatest weakness – cersei for jaime. Just my opinion but I feel like it's the show runners attempting to develop him as a typical protagonist that has grown throughout the seasons

  12. 16:05 I think thrones shows some remorse for betraying Robb. He even syas in the books that he was supposed to die with him at the twins, with his brother. This is of course reek, not 'theon' but I don't think that saying he didn't care male sense.

    Also I loved that the feast for crows pov's are in part 1 and the dance with dragons pov's are in part 2. Hopefully the 'break' you take in the end does not last five years or so, like some other author we know

  13. your comments about Ned forcing the patriarchy on Arya come out of nowhere. In both book and show we see that Ned constantly defends her and her actions and that it was mostly Catelyn who was trying to 'fix' her. Ned being super traditionalist and patriarchal is a long shot.

  14. yeah – everything have anything to do with Littlefinger in S7 was just completely broken. Such a waste – likewise with Varys, Stannis, Roose, the Tyrells, the Martells and Mance … and Barristan. … and the Blackfish.

  15. I'm not sure if the prince that was promised, The Last Hero, or AAR are all the same people, three seperate people, or three non-existent people. Or some combination in there but I have had a feeling since early on(during my 2 or 3 re-read, im on my 5th) that Jamie may be destined to be a Last Hero / AAR type, and maybe D&D know this which is why they need to separate him from Cersei for some reason.

    Btw, Arya & Jaime are my two favorite pov characters, and i must say, D&D have completely and utterly ruined them for me, not to mention the rest of the show. which is why I am so thankful for Preston and all his videos, not just the ones that cover the high-priced fanfic.

    Incidentally when Jamie has Cersei's letter burned with no reply happens to be one of my favorite scenes and a pivotal turning point for one of my favorite characters!

  16. I don't watch the show anymore but that scene you showed were Theon was washing himself off in the water after his fight was reminiscent of the cleansing and ritually bathing the Unsullied do in honnor of their goddess( whose name shall never be spoken, except by other eunuchs I guess)

  17. When feminists review videos they see feminist themes everywhere… But some of it warranted. An idea that princess Sandra could advise veteran soldiers on what to do with breastplates in a cold weather could have only been born in a deranged feminist mind. So I guess yes there were some feminists themes.

  18. I think a good way to look at Jaime's motivations is to say that this war has finally made him fixated on his legacy. Throughout the show, he has been consistently mocked by King Robbert, Joffrey, Catelyn and other characters for being the Kingslayer. He is only ever remembered as an oathbreaker. I Believe that on the field of fire when he attempted to kill Dany with a lance on horseback, it was because he wanted the heroism. He wanted to be remembered as the man that saved the Seven Kingdoms from this foreign threat. So I would say that Jaime isn't simply heading north to uphold the vow, but to be remembered for what the vow entailed. He would become the man who kept his word and defend the Seven Kingdoms against the greatest evil of them all, the Others.

  19. i got the impression that jaime made the decision to leave cersei when she threatened to have him killed. that's when he realized that his loyalty to her was futile and that his life meant little to her. he realized that she would be willing to dispose of him without second thought if she found it necessary when he had thought that she loved him.

  20. Arya accepts guest rights as she takes food and drink, choosing tradition/honour/Stark way over vengeance on random Lanisters. This is a better reason for not killing them counter to them being family men. (in my opion)

    I personally felt Tyrion was lamenting something as he stood on the ship, watching the door jon and dani where behind.
    I think its meant to foreshadow this twist you mention


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