Sebastian Stan sits down with Josh Horowitz at TIFF to discuss the upcoming Avengers films and which Game of Thrones character he can identify with.

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  1. Clearly Josh seems to be one of those "I'm a guy who doesn't watch mainstream Tv Shows because I'm a hypster and I'm different"…FFS Josh!! Your a fooking interviewer who does interviews to mainstream Movies & Tv Shows Stars!!!! Not watching Game of Thrones in your job is the stupidest thing ever!!! We don't need you to love GoT, you can hate it if you want, but you must watch it, otherwise movie stars will look at you the same way Seb did…and that's soooo awkward. come on man, you still have time..hurry up and go to watch GoT and all the other today's popular Tv Shows. Hurry up, winter is coming..!!


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