Secrets of the Enchantress in Beauty And The Beast (2017) revealed!

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DISCLAIMER: Any images and video used belong to the respective copyright holder and are used under fair use rules for the purpose of criticism and review.

Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” is a live-action re-telling of the studio’s animated classic which refashions the classic characters from the tale as old as time for a contemporary audience, staying true to the original music while updating the score with several new songs. “Beauty and the Beast” is the fantastic journey of Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart and soul of the true Prince within. The film stars: Emma Watson as Belle; Dan Stevens as the Beast; Luke Evans as Gaston, the handsome, but shallow villager who woos Belle; Oscar® winner Kevin Kline as Maurice, Belle’s eccentric, but lovable father; Josh Gad as Lefou, Gaston’s long-suffering aide-de-camp; Golden Globe® nominee Ewan McGregor as Lumiere, the candelabra; Oscar nominee Stanley Tucci as Maestro Cadenza, the harpsichord; Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Plumette, the feather duster; six-time Tony Award® winner Audra McDonald as Madame Garderobe, the wardrobe; Oscar nominee Ian McKellen as Cogsworth, the mantel clock; and two-time Academy Award® winner Emma Thompson as the teapot, Mrs. Potts.

Directed by Oscar® winner Bill Condon from a screenplay by TBD based on the 1991 animated film, the film is produced by Mandeville Films’ David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman with eight-time Oscar-winning composer Alan Menken, who won two Academy Awards® (Best Original Score and Best Song) for the 1991 animated film, providing the score, which will include new recordings of the original songs written by Menken and Howard Ashman, as well as several new songs written by Menken and three-time Oscar winner Tim Rice.



  1. The only thing I was sad about in the new movie was about the silly girls. In the cartoon, they literally look like the same person. In the new movie, they sort of do. (I know it's hard to find huge look-alikes.) However, in the cartoon they have the same exact dresses just different colors. I loved this detail and was a little sad that I'm the new movie, they have the same dresses.

  2. I find it interesting so many people like the enchantress. She isn't a good person. She punishes all the servants for the princes bad behavior that they have no control over. She sentences him to a lifetime as a beast simply because he is a spoiled brat. Why not simply make him a peasant? And what really gives her the right to judge and punish him to begin with? She shows up uninvited wanting him to let her stay in his castle. Well whether he was punk about it or not he has every right to not let a stranger stay in his castle if he wants. It's his home not a hotel. He can choose who he invites in. She's really a shady character and this movie didn't help her at all.

  3. It seems a bit unfair for the Enchantress to leave Gaston to his own devices and not try to whip him into shape, considering he's just as bad if not worse than the Prince was pre-curse. I get that the Prince is more politically powerful than some hunter in a small village, but Agathe was around Gaston for a decade in Villeneuve and did nothing to help him, and then he even ends up DEAD in the end for his trouble. All the while, the Prince gets cured of his dark heart and ends up happy with Belle. I just see it as unjust when both men were awful and needed her help.

  4. had anybody notice that in the movie (quick spoilers) when bell is being dragged in the acumeme cart that the 3 girls were smiling and laughing at her. and that the 3 girls got weapons and comes with Gaston and everybody else to the beasts castle (which had you notice is shaped like the rose the  enchantress/adaga/bells/beast's mother (a theory on my own.) gave him) and attract it. just shows that those girls love Gaston and follow
    his behavior though out the film even if he doe's go WAY to far and cross the line (well in
    bells eyes) when he doe's try to put moruese in the assume.  even lafu regrets following Gaston's plot trough out the film and that Mrs. pots says ''your too good for him any ways''
    meaning that lafu should let him go. and that I think the enchantress is bells mother after she left her crude husband and died to come as adaga to brake the spell after one of the castle's bridges fall down, thus killing Gaston. I bet those girls are crying right now. in my head watching it I was like ''sorry girls even though that Gaston's my second favert Disney villain  w/h 1st one being jafar because addladen is my 1st fav Disney film (true fact) which means this is my 2ed fav Disney film fairy tale he still was a jerk to bell and kind of deserve it.'' * I know I gave away a lot more than I got but I couldn't help it.

  5. Loved this live version of Beauty & the Beast. Thank you Bill Condon cast & crew for breathing additional life into an Alan Menken & the late Howard Ashman score for giving a Beast his soul…The casting, filming, costuming, location, & score were beautifully combined, and while I loved all the characters, Gaston stole the show for me personally…loved the expanded role of the Enchantress too with her guiding hand, but also wish some of the deleted scenes had made it into the original film to round out this live version of the story…I have to admit I was perplexed with the ending of the movie as the last petal fell and Belle had not yet declared her love for Beast. After hearing this secrets montage, it makes sense; even tho the beginning of the movie dictates that if he could love & have someone love him in return before the last petal fell could make for an interesting debate.

  6. (I am female, I just use my husband's log-in.) I loved the cartoon version of course but love the live action version even more! I loved how the live action version showed the castle servants turning into inanimate objects and although I KNOW they will be restored back into their human form, I STILL tear up each time I watch it, as they say their goodbyes. I also LOVE how the coat rack's final act is catching Chip (so he doesn't break like the saucer did) and gently place him by his Mother! Great call on ALL OF THAT! The entire part was beautifully done and showed what a true family they all had become. It was one of the greatest parts (in my opinion) of the movie. And although it COULD have NOT been shown (as the Disney movie did not portray it) it added so much to the overall movie I feel. Bravo!!

  7. Imagine being so petty that you literally spend 10 years of not only your own life but the 10 life of a bunch of people who had nothing to do with the beef you had with a random kid who followed the "stranger danger" policy…

    I mean is the fairy world plagued by these all-powerful witches that are super salty and will throw everyone under the bus until they've learned their lesson?

  8. The enchantress is both good and bad.  we know that the enchantress was trying to do something good for beast.  BUT, at the same time, she tried to force 2 people to be in love with beast only having one shot.  After all, their time was almost up when Belle got there.  Not to mention that she and her father were the first 2 people to be there since they turned.  I have a theory on it, but i'll spare everyone and not tell.

  9. I loved it all. I always viewed her as wise and kind, although it is interesting to view her a bit more layered, ie you mentioning that maybe SHE made the stone crumble to have G fall to his death. I love how they expanded her role as well as everything else. I'm definitely a fan.

  10. I don't like it at all! The Agathe/Enchnatress new extended role in the story is absolutely useless and a complete non-sense in the Beauty and the Beast relationship. It breaks all the magic, above all in the final scene! It would be interesting if she would have just saved Maurice but for the rest is a complete fail in the economy of the story. Imho.

  11. I loved seeing more of the Enchantress. I didn't find her cruel at all. Turning the prince into the beast was warranted–and there wouldn't have been any story without that happening. 🙂 I enjoyed seeing more of her in the live-action version, just as I loved all the backstory that was conveyed in the live-action. The ending was perfect. Until you mentioned in this video that the Enchantress reversed the fallen rose petals, I hadn't really thought much about that. I did wonder why Belle didn't tell the Beast she loved him before the final petal fell and before the Beast died and the other characters became simply "antiques." Your theory on this was perfect and added a new dimension to the movie, which was already a wonderful piece of storytelling!

  12. I believe that Agathe fell into poverty prior to the enchantment that she placed upon The Prince. The Enchantress – 'He taxed the village to fill his castle with the most beautiful objects. And his parties, with the most beautiful people'. The Prince ran the local village into the ground & ultimately into the 'Poor, provincial town' which Belle sings about at the beginning. Agathe, who is empowered with magic, wonders how such a human being can be so selfish & unkind. Disguising herself as a repulsive woman with a haggard appearance, she unexpectedly intrudes upon the castle, seeking shelter from the bitter storm. The Prince is offered a single rose as a gift. He laughs at the offer & dismisses Agathe. Agathe warns him not to be deceived by appearances – for beauty is found within. When the Prince dismisses her again, Agathe's repulsive outward appearance melts away to reveal The Enchantress. There was clearly no love in The Prince's heart & to teach him a lesson, Agathe transforms him into a hideous Beast. The Prince was so obsessed with appearances, beauty & possessions, Agathe felt it only deserving that his servants in turn, be transformed into 'Beautiful Objects' to remind The Prince of his backward views on humanity. After all, that's all the Prince thought he needed – beauty & beautiful objects. Agathe remains a member of the village but lives in the forest, like an outcast. Gaston belittles Agathe several times describing her as a hag & dismisses even her truth behind the story of Maurice being left in the forest for dead.

  13. Let me tell you who the enchantress is, she wants to take over the world with her fire brother who kills El Diablo and Harley Quinn slices her chest opens takes her heart out then Rick Flag crushes it and gets Doctor Moone back then the bad guys have 10 years off of prison, then Killer Croc gets a hd tv, then Harley gets an espresso machine and The Joker breaks her out

  14. Mrs. Potts' throwaway line about the servants being cursed because of their partial responsibility in how the Beast turned out is a neat way to "fix" the "problem" of why they were cursed too… except there was no such problem to begin with, even in the original version.
    The thing is, the Beast was cursed because of his own selfishness and lack of empathy, alright. But his selfishness does not only affect himself, it's something that ends up making everyone miserable, including his loved ones. It makes perfect sense for his servants to be cursed too, because that taught him (and the audience) that one's selfishness has very real consequences on other people's lives too, even if they have no fault of their own. Indeed, the fact that it has consequences on and makes faultless people miserable too was the whole point, in my opinion. Perhaps too subtle a point for someone, I concede, which is why I don't take umbrage with this little change.

  15. I think the enchantress IS the wolves. The wolves stop Belle from escaping the castle, fighting and losing to the Beast and prompting Belle's decision to return with him. The next time we see Agatha she is nursing Maurice and has a black eye and a long cut on her face. I think these injuries are as a result of the fight with the Beast.

  16. Well I agree that the Encnantress might be sent by the prince's mofher in order to show him the right path in life .I would also like a meeting between the enchantress in the form of the old lady and Belle .. like a test for Belle if she could be the one to brake the curse ..She could have visited Belle and asked her hepl and kind Belle ofcourse helped the old woman …so that the disguised Enchantress understoond her kindness ..Or the enchantress could visit the prince in the ending ball ( with the form of the old woman again ) and he ghen would treat her good and offer he help so that she saw that he had really changed


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