This year, Tourism Ireland promoted Game of Thrones season 7 with a monstrously ambitious project: it decided to make an enormous, Bayeux-style tapestry depicting major moments from the first sixty episodes of Game of Thrones, and then making new panels for each new episode of season 7. Check out some of the fruits of their labors below:

The tapestry is a beautiful tribute to a show that has given a lot back to Northern Ireland — after all, that’s where Game of Thrones’ production headquarters is located. Below, Discover Ireland uploaded a video spotlighting how Tourism Ireland put the tapestry together, and highlighting how it also draws on the area’s rich history of textiles. Take a look:

The fact that the linen used to make the tapestry is the same linen used to make costumes and sets for the show ties it all together. It’s great to see how eagerly how the people of Northern Ireland have embraced Game of Thrones, and how they’re planning to keep it alive once the show is over. As the video relates, the full tapestry is available to see in the Ulster Museum in Belfast, giving Game of Thrones lovers yet another reason to visit Northern Ireland.

Before this, Tourism Ireland made an elaborately carved series of doors based on episodes of season 6. They’re now in display in pubs across the country.

If they keep up this momentum, the tourism push for season 8 should be spectacular.

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