Game of Thrones Season 6



  1. Man, Ned was a prick to Jaime Lannister for killing the mad king saving all king´s lannding in the proces, but he was OK to Howland Reed, a north men stabbing the greatest knight ever lived to save his egocentrical ass make him his banner´s men and leave him live in peace.

  2. I would have found this fight better and more realistic if Ser Arthur Dayne used arming swords rather than a two handed longsword in each hand. Look at his sword at 0:20 and it is clearly a two handed weapon.

  3. Stabbed in the back. A shame to see such a great warrior fall like that. That being said I don't blame Reed. They were there for Lyanna and he did what he needed to do. That "now it ends" cheeses the fuck out of this scene tho. Damn.

  4. You know Arthur Dayne only fought for the House Targaryen because house Dayne is vassal of House Martell, which house made an alliance with house Targaryen when Elia Martell used to marry Rhaegar Targaryen. Even though that was the first reason, he still remained at the Tower of Joy to protect a baby that wasn't even a product of Rhaegar x Elia.

    But then I remember he is a Kingsguard, so he may be loyal to the crown.

    Even though, I wonder what was Arthur thinking about that.

  5. The filming of this scene.

    "Ok guys we have the most epic scene in the series, along with the Kingsmoot, what should we do".

    "Well, we've kinda screw up the Kingsmoot, lets just take the masterpiece that was written in the books as a script and film it."

    "Nah, too expensive, the producers said that we should cut on everything."

    "But sir, what is there to be expensive. It is just 7 vs 3"

    "We'll make it, 6 v 2"

    "Ok sir, it would be still cool though, we can't go wrong with showing Arthur Dayne with Dawn"

    "Nah, I have a better idea we'll make him a dual wilder"


  6. These guys are the Kingsguard, and the job of the Kingsguard is to protect their King. Yet, Arthur Dayne wasn't with Rhaegar or The Mad King, meaning he was protecting the future King, Jon Targaryan.

    Rhaegar also had an annulment, meaning that his marriage to Ned's sister makes Jon a true Targaryen 😀


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