Host Seth Meyers addresses sexual harassment in Hollywood, President Donald Trump and more at the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards.
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Seth Meyers hosts the 75th annual Golden Globe Awards. The three-hour ceremony serves as the official kickoff to awards season, with winners in 25 categories – 14 in film and 11 in television.

Seth Meyers’ Monologue at the 2018 Golden Globes

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  1. if your a man, a real man, you have nooooo idea how bad this world is about to become. see women nowadays want a female lover, not male. the male is just for creation which is already being taken over by artificial insemination. Women will want men, but strictly for hard labor, no more IT jobs guys, and if your too old or not strong enough for hard labor, your on a death row via NWO. See its NOT NEW WORLD ORDER, it is really NOW WOMENS WORLD. This is why Oprah keeps pushing "Times Up" agenda. Once they take over the government, then you will see how the women will only be for women, and a few gays, but not many. Lilith will be their GOD and Savior as Jesus will be pushed out and so will old style bible thumping churches, and more NATURE/Wicca/Yoga/ style religions will pop up everywhere. Sounds good right?! But what you don't get is it will still be run by Satanist, after all, who do you think Lilith is?! She defied the Almighty creator around the same time as Lucifer did. That's why a second wife, Eve had to be put in, and even then, Eve still brought down man by he lust in the garden with the snake and its forbidden fruit (penis). But back on track…You thought all the leftist women and feminist was bad when Hillary lost…wait till Oprah wins….it will be a thousand times worst because unless you like being a cuckold dominated to the hilt begging man, these women WILL run you into the ground financially and LITERALLY! Do you think they will care? Honestly, have you ever seen a women ACTUALLY care when she hurt a mans feeling, or did him wrong? Nope. So if you men don't start acting like MEN, real men, then it is Times UP, and this world will become a strictly Lesbian Woman's World, no men allowed. Oh and for any woman disagreeing about becoming a lesbian, its a known fact in this day and age, almost ALL females have had one of not more lesbian (experimental) encounters if not more,  you just don't talk about it to any males. And Gay men, sorry, but you wont be needed either cuz women wont need you for anything either, they WILL grow tired of you very quickly also.

  2. 8:52 Wait, 5% of speaking roles in Hollywood are played by Asians. That so racist…What is the population of Asians in America? Oh 5%

    Well, blacks only get 15% of speaking roles. Oh, their population is only 15% too.

    But 75% of roles are played by whites…oh 73% of the population is made of whites.

    Hollywood so racist…

  3. So much virtue signaling. Hollywood doesn’t get the rest of the country. By and large, the rest of us respect and cherish the differences between men and women, are all trying to pursue our dreams and know to get there we will rely on the hard work and talents of or fellow Americans, regardless of sex and race. Life is too short to be bent out of shape and outraged all the time. Love thy neighbor as thyself and do unto others as you would have done to you. Those are words from the Bible, which is scripture that many folks in Hollywood absolutely disregard.

  4. The whole thing made me cringe so hard. PLEASE STOP! all these stupid non funny jokes about males is disgusting, not all men are dogs. this was utterly immature of all the sick people in holly wood. Seeing my favorite actors who wore black to this made me want to vomit. I am not saying we don't need to take a stand for oppressed woman at all


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