LIVE SHOWS on sale NOW pretties:

Canberra (Apr 7):

Sydney (Mar 4):

Brisbane (Feb 22):

Perth !!SECOND SHOW ADDED!! (Mar 2):

Huge props must go to our Supporter Patrons. YOU DA BEST.
Ben McLeod, Wizard Overlord Matt Tarrant, Levi, Holly Rankin, Tyler Dowsey, Anthony Light, Ruby Feneley, Woodmember, Leon Wurfel, Matthew Hadely and Andrew Branchflower



  1. No before you blame everything about this recession of the West Australian economy on the people of WA and it's state parliament, the greater matter for us is our GST inequality. You Eastern states wouldn't understand, but for us we receive 34c on the every dollar expected on a per capita distribution of GST, and the confronting truth about this unfair practise is it won't end anytime soon. The federal bank will continue to conjure up our rightful portion of the GST and provide it to NSW and Victoria.

    I ain't no economist or any political professional for the matter, though I do not like knowing we are being cheated from our rightful share of the GST. Being a WA boy myself eventually wishing to graduate high school from a private education, I still feel concerned making my way in this state. Unemployment is at 6% currently and public services such as electricity such as which will increase on average by $169 per annum.

  2. I live in the UK and your politcs videos are the best

    I mean I kinda wish they didn't have to exist because Australia's politcs seems even more fucked than the normal standard of the 1st world's

  3. Not so much a party but pimps.And eventually, We were the ones
    who got screwed.I blame the privatisation and then devaluation of the public education system in Western Australia.

  4. hey @friendlyjordies can you link some of your sources, I have a point to prove to a couple of mates who aren't sure who to vote for in the WA state election. please please please let me know the facts I need to convince them of the better choice

  5. Look at America had they voted green for instance they would have changed the narrative, yes financially they would be walking into uncharted territory but they would have caste off the ideals that keep snowballing us down this road to an elite ownership because those in power now, know that to own something is to be able to own common property, including the law which is passed down by our courts and politicians. People like Hanson and these corporate shills have either sold out or have been brainwashed, or both.

  6. Oh friendly so you're coming to perth? To be brutally honest I'm probably not going to see your show because I'm a young person in WA and thus unemployed. but if you've got some time on your hands I'd be keen to meet up and do what I normally do with my friends and cackle at political in-jokes for obscenely long periods of time. hit me up!


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