The House of Black and White – what was your favourite part in this episode?

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  1. I think the dragon coming back and not giving her much attention was a symbol of her losing control a bit now. The scene was well placed bec it makes sense for it to be in the same episode as the disappointing trial. The one thing she can count on is her dragons when shes all alone and now thats going badly too.
    I think Dany did do the right thing. In the order in Meereen she needs to treat everybody the same way. The rich the powerful slavers and the common people to show that shes queen of all and shes just to all. The law is the law and by doing this she would have shown the masters that everybody is equal in her realm. Unfortunately theyre not ready for something like this and so the commoners turned on her failing to realize or understand law or justice. Instead of understanding that what Mossador did was wrong bec for all we know without trial that man is maybe not guilty, they turned on her in an ungrateful way. I think what she did was right but theyre not ready for it and despite all her experiences shes still a bit naive when it comes to ruling masses. She needs to understand how the world works more and be wiser when it comes to listening to her council. Youll see in the coming episodes the consequences of her decisions 😉
    nice video guys love you!

  2. in my humble opinion,you shouldnt watch comments…you dont know what to expect guys,believe me spoilers are the worst thing.(Especially for a show like this) keep up the good work!

  3. She answered injustice with justice ! But I was hoping she would also give him a fair trial then kill him lol , so that's what I think , missed your GOT reactions guys .
    And PS. He said valar Dohaeris which means all men must serve ❤

  4. I always thought that Drogon could sense her distress and came back just to check on her. If she was in danger at that time, he would have let her mount him and flown off in my opinion. They have the strongest connection too. She totally made the right decision to execute him but didn't need to do it publicly.

  5. Think back to what happened with Lannister hostages, the old Karstark guy, and Robb Stark’s decision to behead him for killing the young hostages. It caused a whole chain of events that mostly led to the Red Wedding. Mistake #1- She was right to rule for a trial, but failed to protect the prisoner. Mistake #2- She went back on her own ruling for a fair trial. Mistake #3- the public execution. Ultimate mistake- she can either be respected or feared; she tried to be both and only ended up looking weak to those who feared her and hated by those who respected her.

  6. She made the right decision to execute him, but she shouldn't have done it publically. There was no need for a trial he already admitted his guilt. The Harpy didn't admit anything, that is why they wanted to hold a trial. Remember Ned Stark's words about executions, "the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die." That is the longer quote from the books.
    If you look at the scene than you could see that Dany wasn't able to look Massador in the eyes at the end. Dany established the law and she had to stick with it, she would appear weak if she can't keep to her own laws. But she didn't have to do it publically.
    Drogon showed her that he is still there for her, but she is confused at the moment, she is not being true to herself that is why Drogon rejected her. It is difficult to rule.

  7. YASSS THEY ARE BACK! Happy new year, guys. I hope you have an amazing year ahead. 💖 And send some more GoT videos our way because I can't seem to get enough. ^^

  8. I think that this might be a minor spoiler but as a Sophie fan (and fan of yours!), I think that you would prefer the minor spoiler otherwise you may stop watching the show! Her character arc for season 5 is… frustrating but it gets better after that. 🙂

  9. Drogon came back to Danaerys and flew off before she could touch him to remind her that without her dragons, she ain't shit. If she tries to play this game all just and politically savvy, she's gonna lose just like every other sucka pretender out there. Her dragons are her source of power and they are untameable, and she needs to fuck off with all that "chain them up" bullshit and embrace that untameable nature within herself if she's going to run shit in Essos like a boss.

    That's what I got out of that scene anyways.

  10. I support Daenerys' action on this. What we need to understand here is Daenerys is a Targaryen and is a direct relative to the Mad King. So killing isn't really a big deal especially if you're trying to prove a point. In addition she's a new queen of a technically new queendom (since she changed the system) so rules has to be set. By setting an example she showed to everyone that each action will have it's consequence, if you kill someone then prepare your head. There was a better choice yes but building a society also means that hard choices has to be made. People won't always agree but if these hard actions will create a bigger sound (if it will scare everyone from doing bad things) then better take them rather than making sure everything is fair all the time therefore creating a sense of leniency which will increase the crime rate.

  11. dany's introduction into politics was with her hubby khal drogo and in that society it is treasonous to disobey the khal without good reason. there is no cousel to come forth. u fight to the yield or usually to the death. since drogo's death everytime she rationalized or litigated she ended up imprisoned, nearly killed, or with nothing. she fears losing the city for not looking like a strong ruler, but while this is not westeros, there still are rules. the civil war was over and she should have laid down her new laws and enforcement of those laws. even if she gave him a trial by combat in the fighting pits it would have seemed more fair. dany is a conqueror and not a politician. she has to learn to be that duality.

    they saw this as a freedom fighter ensuring the safety of the city and a poor slave boy who got no 2nd chance while the remaining lords that did not die for their past crimes or continued defiance got slaps on the wrist or rise in station, in comparison. oh and by the by, that boy they just executed is misandei's brother. kinda awkward … on kevin's got rewind there are a collection of deleted scenes that will make things make more sense.

  12. She can't win in this case. No matter what she does, one side will be angry. She needs to be merciless with her enemies, there's no other way. They would kill her given a chance.

    This is another case of I can't say anything yet in fear of spoilers.

    Watch out for old beggar women😂

  13. To answer your question about Drogon and I know you are reading the books so they’ll explain it further. Dragons in this universe are bonded to one person. So they are able to feel when their person is distressed. Daenerys is doing a horrible job ruling and she is rejecting her Targaryen heritage by locking up 2 of her dragons so Drogon doesn’t know how to perceive Daenerys. I think once you get further into the books, Daenerys might not be one of your favorite characters because she is completely different. Hope that helps!

  14. Yeesssss I appreciate the Sansa love haha. Too many people under appreciate her. Also I just want to say I really love how emotionally invested you guys are in everything. What’s the point of watching the show if you don’t care about what happens?

    I think it was a mistake to kill that guy. I understand why she did it, but she should have gone about it differently.

  15. Dany and Drogon are spiritually connected, so when she was afraid during the execution (when the former slavers where hissing) and was feeling sad afterwards Drogon felt it and came. To answer your questions, Dany didn't do the right thing. Personally i think that the show is trying to instill some flaws in Dany (because no one can be completely good and/or bad in GOT (apart from Joffery)), and she still needs to grow to become a good leader. Also Targareans are very quick to anger. Valar Morghulis means "All men must die" and Valar Dohaeris means "All men must serve".

  16. Daenerys had been riding a really good lucky streak, now she's facing a problem that can't be overcome by sheer power or cunning. Politics and a newfound class struggle can be just as challenging for a new leader.

    What Stannis was offering Jon was certainly tempting, but Jon would have to rally behind him and win to actually receive his reward, not to mention breaking a vow, which is probably the main reason he turned it down, being Ned's son and all. For the rest of Westeros he'd still be a bastard until the true King of Westeros pardoned (yeah, that's the word used, he has to pardon you for your father's infidelity) him.

  17. Valar Dohaeris" is High Valyrian, the response phrase to "Valar Morghulis,". Commonly used in Braavos, "valar morghulis" means "all men must die" (in the sense of "all men must [eventually] die [sooner or later]"), and "valar dohaeris" means "all men must serve."

  18. She should have killed the Harpy after questioning. When her underling violated her trust he had to go, but not publicly. Dani has a fatal flaw of trying to be seen to be just. She is a natural born Conqueror, tying herself down with common justice weakens her and slows her down.

  19. She should have publicly declared him as guilty and probably imprison or exile him and then warn everyone else that if anyone does break the law again, they will be executed. That way she would have come out as both merciful and a strong ruler. Unfortunately, Daenerys sees the world through a very "black and white" lens. Her sense of right and wrong is binary, which is very dangerous, even though she is generally a good person, considering she has 3 living WMDs in her arsenal.

  20. Season 5 opener was kinda weak so don't blame you for not remembering. It was mostly set up for the season.

    Dragon was just a college kid who was homesick. he wanted mom to do his laundry and tell him he a good boy and so handsome.

    Stannis is still the mannis

    If you're asking what Valor Dahaeris means it means "all men must serve". It's kind of a greeting. It always reminded me of the muslim greeting of Assalamu alaikum which means "peace be upon you" and the response 'waʿalaykumu as-salam" which means "and upon you, peace"

    As for Dany and did she do the right thing? they will explore that more but I'll say this conquering and ruling are 2 different things.


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