Though Game of Thrones was one of the greatest TV shows ever produced, it wasn’t exactly family-friendly. The HBO epic was infamous for several controversial topics, including nudity and gory battle scenes. Even the showrunner D. B. Weiss hesitated before showing it to his family, and he waited till his son turned 13.

D. B. Weiss waited several years before showing Game of Thrones to his family

Weiss is aware that his magnum opus isn’t kid-friendly. He waited for the perfect time to watch the series with his kids and family. He told The Hollywood Reporter,

“I had never watched it when it was on TV, because by the time it got onto TV, I had already seen each one 100 times, and I was good. But my kids got to an age; my son turned 13 and I figured, “Well, that’s okay. I can show them this.” I figured I would watch the show one time again in my life all the way through and that would probably be it. So I watched the whole thing with my family; my wife and my kids.

It was really nice to sit back and know there was nothing you could do to change or affect anything. It was all there and you could just sit and watch the whole thing. And seeing it through their eyes was really great, I enjoyed that a lot.”

Game of Thrones showrunners have stayed away from House of the Dragon

Understandably, the well-known showrunners of Game of Thrones would like to avoid anything linked to the series following the controversy of Season 8. That’s why Benioff and Weiss decided not to read House of the Dragon when it was released. In a recent inteview, the showrunners of Game of Thrones “haven’t watched Dragon” as of yet. Additionally, since the Thrones ending, Benioff has declined to watch any more episodes.

Read Next: Game of Thrones showrunners reveal why they chose to deviate from George R. R. Martin’s books



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